Class SimpleType

  extended by com.fasterxml.jackson.core.type.ResolvedType
      extended by com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JavaType
          extended by com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.type.TypeBase
              extended by com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.type.SimpleType
All Implemented Interfaces:
JsonSerializable, Serializable

public final class SimpleType
extends TypeBase

Simple types are defined as anything other than one of recognized container types (arrays, Collections, Maps). For our needs we need not know anything further, since we have no way of dealing with generic types other than Collections and Maps.

See Also:
Serialized Form

Field Summary
protected  String[] _typeNames
          Names of generic type arguments for this type; will match values in _typeParameters
protected  JavaType[] _typeParameters
          Generic type arguments for this type.
Fields inherited from class com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JavaType
_class, _hashCode, _typeHandler, _valueHandler
Constructor Summary
protected SimpleType(Class<?> cls)
protected SimpleType(Class<?> cls, String[] typeNames, JavaType[] typeParams, Object valueHandler, Object typeHandler)
Method Summary
protected  JavaType _narrow(Class<?> subclass)
protected  String buildCanonicalName()
static SimpleType construct(Class<?> cls)
static SimpleType constructUnsafe(Class<?> raw)
          Method used by core Jackson classes: NOT to be used by application code.
 JavaType containedType(int index)
 int containedTypeCount()
 String containedTypeName(int index)
 boolean equals(Object o)
 StringBuilder getErasedSignature(StringBuilder sb)
          Method for accessing signature without generic type information, in form compatible with all versions of JVM, and specifically used for type descriptions when generating byte code.
 StringBuilder getGenericSignature(StringBuilder sb)
 boolean isContainerType()
 JavaType narrowContentsBy(Class<?> subclass)
 String toString()
 JavaType widenContentsBy(Class<?> subclass)
 JavaType withContentTypeHandler(Object h)
          "Copy method" that will construct a new instance that is identical to this instance, except that its content type will have specified type handler assigned.
 SimpleType withContentValueHandler(Object h)
          "Copy method" that will construct a new instance that is identical to this instance, except that it will have specified content value handler assigned.
 SimpleType withTypeHandler(Object h)
          "Copy method" that will construct a new instance that is identical to this instance, except that it will have specified type handler assigned.
 SimpleType withValueHandler(Object h)
          "Copy method" that will construct a new instance that is identical to this instance, except that it will have specified value handler assigned.
Methods inherited from class com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.type.TypeBase
_classSignature, getTypeHandler, getValueHandler, serialize, serializeWithType, toCanonical
Methods inherited from class com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JavaType
_assertSubclass, _widen, forcedNarrowBy, getContentType, getErasedSignature, getGenericSignature, getKeyType, getRawClass, hasGenericTypes, hashCode, hasRawClass, isAbstract, isArrayType, isCollectionLikeType, isConcrete, isEnumType, isFinal, isInterface, isMapLikeType, isPrimitive, isThrowable, narrowBy, widenBy
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected final JavaType[] _typeParameters
Generic type arguments for this type.


protected final String[] _typeNames
Names of generic type arguments for this type; will match values in _typeParameters

Constructor Detail


protected SimpleType(Class<?> cls)


protected SimpleType(Class<?> cls,
                     String[] typeNames,
                     JavaType[] typeParams,
                     Object valueHandler,
                     Object typeHandler)
Method Detail


public static SimpleType constructUnsafe(Class<?> raw)
Method used by core Jackson classes: NOT to be used by application code.

NOTE: public only because it is called by ObjectMapper which is not in same package


protected JavaType _narrow(Class<?> subclass)
Specified by:
_narrow in class JavaType


public JavaType narrowContentsBy(Class<?> subclass)
Specified by:
narrowContentsBy in class JavaType


public JavaType widenContentsBy(Class<?> subclass)
Specified by:
widenContentsBy in class JavaType


public static SimpleType construct(Class<?> cls)


public SimpleType withTypeHandler(Object h)
Description copied from class: JavaType
"Copy method" that will construct a new instance that is identical to this instance, except that it will have specified type handler assigned.

Specified by:
withTypeHandler in class JavaType
Newly created type instance


public JavaType withContentTypeHandler(Object h)
Description copied from class: JavaType
"Copy method" that will construct a new instance that is identical to this instance, except that its content type will have specified type handler assigned.

Specified by:
withContentTypeHandler in class JavaType
Newly created type instance


public SimpleType withValueHandler(Object h)
Description copied from class: JavaType
"Copy method" that will construct a new instance that is identical to this instance, except that it will have specified value handler assigned.

Specified by:
withValueHandler in class JavaType
Newly created type instance


public SimpleType withContentValueHandler(Object h)
Description copied from class: JavaType
"Copy method" that will construct a new instance that is identical to this instance, except that it will have specified content value handler assigned.

Specified by:
withContentValueHandler in class JavaType
Newly created type instance


protected String buildCanonicalName()
Specified by:
buildCanonicalName in class TypeBase


public boolean isContainerType()
Specified by:
isContainerType in class JavaType
True if type represented is a container type; this includes array, Map and Collection types.


public int containedTypeCount()
containedTypeCount in class JavaType


public JavaType containedType(int index)
containedType in class JavaType


public String containedTypeName(int index)
containedTypeName in class JavaType


public StringBuilder getErasedSignature(StringBuilder sb)
Description copied from class: JavaType
Method for accessing signature without generic type information, in form compatible with all versions of JVM, and specifically used for type descriptions when generating byte code.

Specified by:
getErasedSignature in class TypeBase
sb - StringBuilder to append signature to
StringBuilder that was passed in; returned to allow call chaining


public StringBuilder getGenericSignature(StringBuilder sb)
Specified by:
getGenericSignature in class TypeBase
sb - StringBuilder to append signature to
StringBuilder that was passed in; returned to allow call chaining


public String toString()
Specified by:
toString in class JavaType


public boolean equals(Object o)
Specified by:
equals in class JavaType

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