Package com.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat.xml.annotation

Package that contains additional annotations that can be used to configure XML-specific aspects of serialization and deserialization


Annotation Types Summary
JacksonXmlElementWrapper Annotation that is similar to JAXB javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlElementWrapper, to indicate wrapper element to use (if any) for Collection types (arrays, java.util.Collection).
JacksonXmlProperty Annotation that can be used to provide XML-specific configuration for properties, above and beyond what JsonProperty contains.
JacksonXmlRootElement Annotation that can be used to define name of root element used for the root-level object when serialized, which normally uses name of the type (class).
JacksonXmlText Interface that is loosely similar to XmlValue in that it can be used on one (and only one!) property of a POJO.

Package com.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat.xml.annotation Description

Package that contains additional annotations that can be used to configure XML-specific aspects of serialization and deserialization

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