
case class FeeratesPerKB(mempoolMinFee: FeeratePerKB, block_1: FeeratePerKB, blocks_2: FeeratePerKB, blocks_6: FeeratePerKB, blocks_12: FeeratePerKB, blocks_36: FeeratePerKB, blocks_72: FeeratePerKB, blocks_144: FeeratePerKB, blocks_1008: FeeratePerKB)

Fee rates in satoshi-per-kilo-bytes (1 kb = 1000 bytes). The mempoolMinFee is the minimal fee required for a tx to enter the mempool (and then be relayed to other nodes and eventually get confirmed). If our fee provider doesn't expose this data, using its biggest block target should be a good enough estimation.

trait Serializable
trait Product
trait Equals
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

Inherited methods

Inherited from: