
package raw

Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. raw
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Type Members

  1. case class AllPrintings(data: Map[String, Set]) extends Product with Serializable

    The full representation of the AllPrintings.json database

  2. case class Card(artist: Option[String], borderColor: BorderColor, colorIdentity: List[Color], colorIndicater: Option[List[Color]], colors: List[Color], convertedManaCost: Double, count: Option[Int], edhrecRank: Option[Integer], faceConvertedManaCost: Option[Double], flavorText: Option[String], foreignData: List[ForeignData], frameEffect: Option[FrameEffect], frameEffects: Option[List[FrameEffect]], frameVersion: FrameVersion, hand: Option[String], hasFoil: Option[Boolean], hasAlternativeDeckLimit: Option[Boolean], hasNonFoil: Option[Boolean], identifiers: Identifiers, isAlternative: Option[Boolean], isArena: Option[Boolean], isFullArt: Option[Boolean], isMtgo: Option[Boolean], isOnlineOnly: Option[Boolean], isOversized: Option[Boolean], isPaper: Option[Boolean], isPromo: Option[Boolean], isReprint: Option[Boolean], isReserved: Option[Boolean], isStarter: Option[Boolean], isStorySpotlight: Option[Boolean], isTextless: Option[Boolean], isTimeshifetd: Option[Boolean], layout: Layout, leadershipSkills: Option[LeadershipSkills], legalities: Legalities, life: Option[String], loyalty: Option[String], manaCost: Option[String], name: String, number: String, originalText: Option[String], originalType: Option[String], otherFaceIds: Option[List[UUID]], power: Option[String], prices: Option[Prices], printings: List[String], promoTypes: Option[List[String]], purchaseUrls: Option[PurchaseUrls], rarity: Rarity, reverseRelated: Option[List[String]], rulings: List[Ruling], side: Option[Side], subtypes: List[String], supertypes: List[String], text: Option[String], toughness: Option[String], type: String, types: List[String], uuid: MtgJsonId, variations: Option[List[UUID]], watermark: Option[String]) extends Product with Serializable
  3. case class CardAndSet(card: Card, set: Set) extends Product with Serializable
  4. case class ForeignData(flavorText: Option[String], language: String, multiverseId: Option[Int], name: String, text: Option[String], type: Option[String]) extends Product with Serializable
  5. case class Identifiers(mcmId: Option[Integer], mcmMetaId: Option[Integer], mtgArenaId: Option[Int], mtgoFoilId: Option[Int], mtgoId: Option[Int], mtgstocksId: Option[Int], multiverseId: Option[Int], scryfallId: UUID, scryfallOracleId: UUID, scryfallIllustrationId: Option[UUID], tcgplayerProductId: Option[Integer]) extends Product with Serializable
  6. case class LeadershipSkills(brawl: Boolean, commander: Boolean, oathbreaker: Boolean) extends Product with Serializable
  7. case class Legalities(brawl: Option[Legality], commander: Option[Legality], duel: Option[Legality], future: Option[Legality], frontier: Option[Legality], legacy: Option[Legality], modern: Option[Legality], pauper: Option[Legality], penny: Option[Legality], pioneer: Option[Legality], standard: Option[Legality], vintage: Option[Legality]) extends Product with Serializable
  8. type ListStringOrString = Either[List[String], String]
  9. trait MtgJsonDB[F[_], RCard, RSetId] extends CardDB[F, RCard, RSetId]
  10. case class Prices(paper: Option[Map[String, Double]], paperFoil: Option[Map[String, Double]], mtgo: Option[Map[String, Double]], mtgoFoil: Option[Map[String, Double]]) extends Product with Serializable
  11. case class PurchaseUrls(cardmarket: Option[String], tcgplayer: Option[String], mtgstocks: Option[String]) extends Product with Serializable
  12. case class Ruling(date: LocalDate, text: String) extends Product with Serializable
  13. case class Set(block: Option[String], cards: List[Card], code: String, codeV3: Option[String], isForeignOnly: Option[Boolean], isFoilOnly: Option[Boolean], isOnlineOnly: Option[Boolean], isPartialPreview: Option[Boolean], keyruneCode: String, mcmName: Option[String], mcmId: Option[Integer], mtgoCode: Option[String], name: String, parentCode: Option[String], releaseDate: LocalDate, tcgplayerGroupId: Option[Int], tokens: List[Token], totalSetSize: Int, translations: Map[String, Option[String]], type: SetType) extends Product with Serializable
  14. case class Token() extends Product with Serializable

Value Members

  1. object AllPrintings extends Serializable
  2. object Card extends Serializable
  3. object CardAndSet extends Serializable
  4. object ForeignData extends Serializable
  5. object Identifiers extends Serializable
  6. object LeadershipSkills extends Serializable
  7. object Legalities extends Serializable
  8. object MtgJsonDB
  9. object Prices extends Serializable
  10. object PurchaseUrls extends Serializable
  11. object Ruling extends Serializable
  12. object Set extends Serializable
  13. object Token extends Serializable

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
