


package scemplate

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. case class Add(a: Value, b: Value) extends Value with Product with Serializable
  2. case class And(a: Value, b: Value) extends ConditionalExpr with Product with Serializable
  3. case class ArrayValue(value: Seq[TemplateValue]) extends TemplateValue with Product with Serializable
  4. class BadNameException extends TemplateException
  5. class BadTypeException extends TemplateException
  6. case class BooleanValue(value: Boolean) extends TemplateValue with Product with Serializable
  7. sealed trait ConditionalExpr extends Value
  8. case class Context(values: MapValue = MapValue.empty, functions: Map[String, FunctionSpec] = Map.empty) extends Product with Serializable
  9. case class Divide(a: Value, b: Value) extends Value with Product with Serializable
  10. case class DoubleValue(value: Double) extends TemplateValue with Product with Serializable
  11. trait Encode[T] extends AnyRef
  12. case class Equals(a: Value, b: Value) extends ConditionalExpr with Product with Serializable
  13. case class ForLoop(index: String, list: Value, expr: Sequence) extends TemplateExpr with Product with Serializable
  14. case class Function(name: String, params: Seq[Value]) extends Value with Product with Serializable
  15. case class FunctionSpec(numParams: Int, function: (Seq[TemplateValue]) ⇒ TemplateValue) extends Product with Serializable
  16. case class GreaterThan(a: Value, b: Value) extends ConditionalExpr with Product with Serializable
  17. case class GreaterThanEqual(a: Value, b: Value) extends ConditionalExpr with Product with Serializable
  18. case class IfThenElse(pred: Value, thenExpr: TemplateExpr, elseExpr: TemplateExpr) extends TemplateExpr with Product with Serializable
  19. case class IntValue(value: Int) extends TemplateValue with Product with Serializable
  20. case class LessThan(a: Value, b: Value) extends ConditionalExpr with Product with Serializable
  21. case class LessThanEqual(a: Value, b: Value) extends ConditionalExpr with Product with Serializable
  22. case class Literal(string: String) extends TemplateExpr with Product with Serializable
  23. case class MacroDef extends TemplateExpr with Product with Serializable
  24. case class MapValue(value: Map[String, TemplateValue]) extends TemplateValue with Product with Serializable
  25. case class Modulus(a: Value, b: Value) extends Value with Product with Serializable
  26. case class Multiply(a: Value, b: Value) extends Value with Product with Serializable
  27. case class Negate(a: Value) extends Value with Product with Serializable
  28. case class NotEqual(a: Value, b: Value) extends ConditionalExpr with Product with Serializable
  29. case class Or(a: Value, b: Value) extends ConditionalExpr with Product with Serializable
  30. case class Sequence(items: Seq[TemplateExpr]) extends TemplateExpr with Product with Serializable
  31. case class StringValue(value: String) extends TemplateValue with Product with Serializable
  32. case class Subtract(a: Value, b: Value) extends Value with Product with Serializable
  33. class Template extends AnyRef
  34. class TemplateException extends Exception
  35. sealed trait TemplateExpr extends AnyRef
  36. sealed trait TemplateValue extends Value with Ordered[TemplateValue]
  37. sealed trait Value extends TemplateExpr
  38. case class Variable(name: Seq[String]) extends Value with Product with Serializable

Value Members

  1. object BooleanValue extends Serializable
  2. object CaseClassEncoder
  3. object ConditionalExpr
  4. object EmptyLiteral extends Literal
  5. object MacroDef extends Serializable
  6. object MapValue extends Serializable
  7. object implicits
