Interface Injectable

  • public interface Injectable
    Represents an injectable parameter. You may inject known values as well as references to other services.

    Although not required, the static methods in this interface are designed for use with an import static statement for better code readability.

    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods Default Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      default Optional<ServiceReference<?>> getReference()
      Gets the reference of this injectable parameter, if it represents a reference to another service.
      Class<?> getType()
      Gets the type of this injectable parameter.
      default Optional<Object> getValue()
      Gets the value of this injectable parameter, if it represents a provided value.
      static Injectable ref​(ServiceReference<?> ref)
      Creates an injectable parameter which represents a reference to another service.
      static <T> Injectable ref​(ServiceReference<T> ref, Class<? super T> asSupertype)
      Creates an injectable parameter which represents a reference to another service.
      static Injectable value​(boolean value)
      Creates an injectable parameter which represents an already known value.
      static Injectable value​(byte value)
      Creates an injectable parameter which represents an already known value.
      static Injectable value​(char value)
      Creates an injectable parameter which represents an already known value.
      static Injectable value​(double value)
      Creates an injectable parameter which represents an already known value.
      static Injectable value​(float value)
      Creates an injectable parameter which represents an already known value.
      static Injectable value​(int value)
      Creates an injectable parameter which represents an already known value.
      static Injectable value​(long value)
      Creates an injectable parameter which represents an already known value.
      static Injectable value​(short value)
      Creates an injectable parameter which represents an already known value.
      static <T> Injectable value​(T value, Class<? super T> type)
      Creates an injectable parameter which represents an already known value.
    • Method Detail

      • ref

        static Injectable ref​(ServiceReference<?> ref)
        Creates an injectable parameter which represents a reference to another service.

        The type of the reference will be used as the type of the parameter to find the correct injection method. If the service referred to by that reference does not match the type of the method parameter (for example the reference is an implementation class while the service constructor or setter expects the superinterface), you will need to use ref(ServiceReference, Class) instead.

        ref - the reference
        an injectable parameter
      • ref

        static <T> Injectable ref​(ServiceReference<T> ref,
                                  Class<? super T> asSupertype)
        Creates an injectable parameter which represents a reference to another service.

        This overload is suited if you have a configuration where the reference type is a subtype of the parameter type expected by the injection method.

        Type Parameters:
        T - the generic type of the reference, captured to ensure that the second argument is actually a supertype of it
        ref - the reference
        asSupertype - the supertype of the reference that matches will the target injection method's parameter type
        an injectable parameter
      • value

        static Injectable value​(int value)
        Creates an injectable parameter which represents an already known value.
        value - the value to inject
        an injectable parameter
      • value

        static Injectable value​(long value)
        Creates an injectable parameter which represents an already known value.
        value - the value to inject
        an injectable parameter
      • value

        static Injectable value​(double value)
        Creates an injectable parameter which represents an already known value.
        value - the value to inject
        an injectable parameter
      • value

        static Injectable value​(char value)
        Creates an injectable parameter which represents an already known value.
        value - the value to inject
        an injectable parameter
      • value

        static Injectable value​(byte value)
        Creates an injectable parameter which represents an already known value.
        value - the value to inject
        an injectable parameter
      • value

        static Injectable value​(short value)
        Creates an injectable parameter which represents an already known value.
        value - the value to inject
        an injectable parameter
      • value

        static Injectable value​(float value)
        Creates an injectable parameter which represents an already known value.
        value - the value to inject
        an injectable parameter
      • value

        static Injectable value​(boolean value)
        Creates an injectable parameter which represents an already known value.
        value - the value to inject
        an injectable parameter
      • value

        static <T> Injectable value​(T value,
                                    Class<? super T> type)
        Creates an injectable parameter which represents an already known value.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the generic type of the object, captured to ensure that the second argument is actually a supertype of it
        value - the value to inject
        type - the type of the value. It may be a super type of the actual runtime type of the value, in a such way that it matches with the injection method's parameter type
        an injectable parameter
      • getType

        Class<?> getType()
        Gets the type of this injectable parameter.
        the type
      • getValue

        default Optional<Object> getValue()
        Gets the value of this injectable parameter, if it represents a provided value.
        the value, if applicable
      • getReference

        default Optional<ServiceReference<?>> getReference()
        Gets the reference of this injectable parameter, if it represents a reference to another service.
        the reference, if applicable