
sealed trait Error
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
class And
class Or
class Single

Value members

Abstract methods

def and(other: Error): Error

Combines this error with another one using logical conjunction.

Combines this error with another one using logical conjunction.

def headMessage: String

Returns first error message.

Returns first error message.

def map(f: String => String): Error

Maps error messages with the provided function.

Maps error messages with the provided function.

def messages: Seq[String]

Returns all errors' messages in a depth-first flattened sequence.

Returns all errors' messages in a depth-first flattened sequence.

def or(other: Error): Error

Combines this error with another one using logical disjunction.

Combines this error with another one using logical disjunction.

def summary: String

Combines all errors' messages into a single sentence.

Combines all errors' messages into a single sentence.