


package memcached

  1. Alphabetic
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  2. All

Type Members

  1. case class HashingMemcachedKeySanitizer(algorithm: HashingAlgorithm = MD5) extends MemcachedKeySanitizer with Product with Serializable

    HashingMemcachedKeySanitizer uses the provided scalacache.HashingAlgorithm to create a valid Memcached key using characters in hexadecimal.

    HashingMemcachedKeySanitizer uses the provided scalacache.HashingAlgorithm to create a valid Memcached key using characters in hexadecimal. You may want to use this MemcachedKeySanitizer if there is a possibility that your keys will contain non-ASCII characters.

    Make sure that the HashingAlgorithm you provide does not produce strings that are beyond 250 characters when combined with any additional namespacing that your MemcachedClient or proxy automatically inserts for you.

  2. class MemcachedCache[V] extends AbstractCache[V] with MemcachedTTLConverter

    Wrapper around spymemcached

  3. class MemcachedException extends Exception
  4. trait MemcachedKeySanitizer extends AnyRef

    Trait that you can use to define your own Memcached key sanitiser

  5. trait MemcachedTTLConverter extends AnyRef
  6. case class ReplaceAndTruncateSanitizer(replacementChar: String = "_", maxKeyLength: Int = 250) extends MemcachedKeySanitizer with Product with Serializable

    Sanitizer that replaces characters invalid for Memcached and truncates keys if they are over a certain limit.

    Sanitizer that replaces characters invalid for Memcached and truncates keys if they are over a certain limit.

    Convenient because it creates human-readable keys, but only safe for ASCII chars.


    optional, defaults to an underscore


    optional, defaults to 250, which is the max length of a Memcached key

Value Members

  1. object MemcachedCache
