
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

def apply[F[_] : Async, V](implicit evidence$2: Async[F], codec: BinaryCodec[V]): MemcachedCache[F, V]

Create a Memcached client connecting to localhost:11211 and use it for caching

Create a Memcached client connecting to localhost:11211 and use it for caching

def apply[F[_] : Async, V](addressString: String)(implicit evidence$3: Async[F], codec: BinaryCodec[V]): MemcachedCache[F, V]

Create a Memcached client connecting to the given host(s) and use it for caching

Create a Memcached client connecting to the given host(s) and use it for caching

Value Params

Address string, with addresses separated by spaces, e.g. "host1:11211 host2:22322"

def apply[F[_] : Async, V](client: MemcachedClient)(implicit evidence$4: Async[F], codec: BinaryCodec[V]): MemcachedCache[F, V]

Create a cache that uses the given Memcached client

Create a cache that uses the given Memcached client

Value Params

Memcached client