
final case class OneOfSchema[P[_], F[_], I](alts: NonEmptyList[Alt[F, I, _]], discriminator: Option[String]) extends SchemaF[P, F, I]

Constructor that enables creation of schema for sum types.

Each constructor of the sum type I is represented as a member of the list of alternatives. Each alternative defines a prism between a single constructor of the sum type, and an underlying type describing the arguments demanded by that constructor.

Consider the following sum type. The first constructor takes no arguments; the second takes two.

sealed trait Role

case object User extends Role
case class Administrator(department: String, subordinateCount: Int) extends Role

A schema value for this type looks like:

val roleSchema = oneOf(
  alt[Unit, Prim, Role, Unit](
    (_: Unit) => User,
      case User => Some(Unit)
      case _ => None
  ) ::
  alt[Unit, Prim, Role, Administrator](
    rec[Prim, Administrator](
        required("department", Prim.str, (_: Administrator).department),
        required("subordinateCount",, (_: Administrator).subordinateCount)
      case a @ Administrator(_, _) => Some(a)
      case _ => None
  ) :: Nil
Type parameters:

The functor through which the structure of the schema will be interpreted. This will almost always be a fixpoint type such as morphling.HFix.HCofree, which is used to introduce the ability to create recursive (tree-structured) schema.


The type of the Scala value to be produced (or consumed) by an interpreter of the schema. Also known as the "index" type of the schema.


The GADT type constructor for a sum type which defines the set of primitive types used in the schema.

trait Serializable
trait Product
trait Equals
trait SchemaF[P, F, I]
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

def hfmap[G[_]](nt: FunctionK[F, G]): OneOfSchema[P, G, I]
def pmap[Q[_]](nt: FunctionK[P, Q]): OneOfSchema[Q, F, I]

Inherited methods

def productElementNames: Iterator[String]
Inherited from:
def productIterator: Iterator[Any]
Inherited from: