package api

Linear Supertypes
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. api
  2. SlackRequests
  3. SlackExtractors
  4. AnyRef
  5. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Type Members

  1. case class BotAccessToken(bot_user_id: String, bot_access_token: String) extends Product with Serializable
  2. sealed trait ChannelLike[T] extends AnyRef
  3. case class DndInfo(dndEnabled: Boolean, nextDndStartTs: Long, nextDndEndTs: Long) extends Product with Serializable
  4. case class FullAccessToken(access_token: String, scope: String, team_name: String, team_id: String, enterprise_id: Option[String], bot: Option[BotAccessToken]) extends Product with Serializable
  5. trait SlackAuth extends AnyRef
  6. trait SlackChannels extends AnyRef
  7. trait SlackChats extends AnyRef
  8. trait SlackConversations extends AnyRef
  9. trait SlackDialogs extends AnyRef
  10. trait SlackDnd extends AnyRef
  11. trait SlackEmojis extends AnyRef
  12. trait SlackFiles extends AnyRef
  13. trait SlackGroups extends AnyRef
  14. trait SlackIms extends AnyRef
  15. trait SlackOAuth extends AnyRef
  16. trait SlackProfile extends AnyRef
  17. trait SlackReactions extends AnyRef
  18. trait SlackReminders extends AnyRef
  19. type SlackResponse[T] = Either[ResponseError[Error], T]
    Definition Classes
  20. trait SlackSearch extends AnyRef
  21. trait SlackStars extends AnyRef
  22. trait SlackTeams extends AnyRef
  23. trait SlackUserGroups extends AnyRef
  24. trait SlackUsers extends AnyRef
  25. trait SlackViews extends AnyRef
  26. case class SnoozeInfo(snoozeEnabled: Boolean, nextSnoozeStartTs: Long, nextSnoozeEndTs: Long) extends Product with Serializable
  27. case class UserGroup(id: String, team_id: String, is_usergroup: Boolean, is_external: Option[Boolean], name: Option[String], description: Option[String], handle: Option[String], date_create: Instant, date_update: Option[Instant], date_delete: Option[Instant], deleted_by: Option[String], auto_type: Option[String], users: Option[List[String]], user_count: Option[String]) extends Product with Serializable
  28. case class UserPrefs(channels: List[String], groups: List[String]) extends Product with Serializable
  29. trait WebApi[R] extends Service[R] with Service[R] with Service[R] with Service[R] with Service[R] with Service[R] with Service[R] with Service[R] with Service[R] with Service[R] with Service[R] with Service[R] with Service[R] with Service[R] with Service[R] with Service[R] with Service[R] with Service[R] with Service[R]

    A service that interacts with slack and provides various messaging capabilities

Value Members

  1. def as[A](json: Json)(implicit arg0: Decoder[A]): IO[SlackError, A]
    Definition Classes
  2. def as[A](key: String)(json: Json)(implicit arg0: Decoder[A]): IO[SlackError, A]
    Definition Classes
  3. def isOk(json: Json): IO[DecodingFailure, Boolean]
    Definition Classes
  4. def request(method: String, params: (String, SlackParamMagnet)*): UIO[Request[SlackResponse[Json], Nothing]]
    Definition Classes
  5. def requestEntity(method: String, params: (String, SlackParamMagnet)*)(body: RequestEntity): UIO[Request[SlackResponse[Json], Nothing]]
    Definition Classes
  6. def requestJson(method: String, body: Json): UIO[Request[SlackResponse[Json], Nothing]]
    Definition Classes
  7. def sendM[R, T](request: URIO[R, Request[SlackResponse[T], Nothing]]): ZIO[R with slack.SlackEnv, Throwable, T]
    Definition Classes
  8. implicit val show: Show[String]
    Definition Classes
  9. object BotAccessToken extends Serializable
  10. object ChannelLikeChannel extends ChannelLike[Channel] with Product with Serializable
  11. object ChannelLikeId extends ChannelLike[String] with Product with Serializable
  12. object DndInfo extends Serializable
  13. object FullAccessToken extends Serializable
  14. object SlackAuth
  15. object SlackChannels
  16. object SlackChats
  17. object SlackConversations
  18. object SlackDialogs
  19. object SlackDnd
  20. object SlackEmojis
  21. object SlackFiles
  22. object SlackGroups
  23. object SlackIms
  24. object SlackOAuth
  25. object SlackProfile
  26. object SlackReactions
  27. object SlackReminders
  28. object SlackSearch
  29. object SlackStars
  30. object SlackTeams
  31. object SlackUserGroups
  32. object SlackUsers
  33. object SlackViews
  34. object SnoozeInfo extends Serializable
  35. object UserGroup extends Serializable
  36. object auth extends Service[slack.SlackEnv]
  37. object channels extends Service[slack.SlackEnv]
  38. object chats extends Service[slack.SlackEnv]
  39. object conversations extends Service[slack.SlackEnv]
  40. object dialogs extends Service[slack.SlackEnv]
  41. object dnd extends Service[slack.SlackEnv]
  42. object emojis extends Service[slack.SlackEnv]
  43. object files extends Service[slack.SlackEnv]
  44. object groups extends Service[slack.SlackEnv]
  45. object ims extends Service[slack.SlackEnv]
  46. object oauth extends Service[SlackClient with ClientSecret]
  47. object profiles extends Service[slack.SlackEnv]
  48. object reactions extends Service[slack.SlackEnv]
  49. object reminders extends Service[slack.SlackEnv]
  50. object search extends Service[slack.SlackEnv]
  51. object stars extends Service[slack.SlackEnv]
  52. object teams extends Service[slack.SlackEnv]
  53. object usergroups extends Service[slack.SlackEnv]
  54. object users extends Service[slack.SlackEnv]
  55. object web extends WebApi[slack.SlackEnv]

Inherited from SlackRequests

Inherited from SlackExtractors

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
