
final class StackedBinaryStore[F[_]] extends BinaryStore[F]

A utility to chain stores. The first store in the given list is the "main" store. It will be used for all read operations. Write operations happen first on the main store and if successful they are applied to all others.

trait BinaryStore[F]
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

def computeAttr(id: BinaryId, hint: Hint): ComputeAttr[F]
def copyMainToRest: F[List[Counter]]
def delete(id: BinaryId): F[Unit]
def exists(id: BinaryId): F[Boolean]
def findBinary(id: BinaryId, range: ByteRange): OptionT[F, Binary[F]]
def insert: (F, Byte) => BinaryId
def insertWith(id: BinaryId): (F, Byte) => Nothing
def listIds(prefix: Option[String], chunkSize: Int): Stream[F, BinaryId]

Concrete fields