
sealed abstract class KafkaAdminClient[F[_]]

KafkaAdminClient represents an admin client for Kafka, which is able to describe queries about topics, consumer groups, offsets, and other entities related to Kafka.

Use KafkaAdminClient.resource or KafkaAdminClient.stream to create an instance.

KafkaAdminClient represents an admin client for Kafka, which is able to describe queries about topics, consumer groups, offsets, and other entities related to Kafka.

Use KafkaAdminClient.resource or KafkaAdminClient.stream to create an instance.

class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Abstract methods

def alterConfigs[G[_]](configs: Map[ConfigResource, G[AlterConfigOp]])(G: Foldable[G]): F[Unit]

Updates the configuration for the specified resources.

Updates the configuration for the specified resources.

def alterConsumerGroupOffsets(groupId: String, offsets: Map[TopicPartition, OffsetAndMetadata]): F[Unit]

Alters offsets for the specified group. In order to succeed, the group must be empty.

Alters offsets for the specified group. In order to succeed, the group must be empty.

def createAcls[G[_]](acls: G[AclBinding])(G: Foldable[G]): F[Unit]

Creates the specified ACLs

Creates the specified ACLs

def createPartitions(newPartitions: Map[String, NewPartitions]): F[Unit]

Increase the number of partitions for different topics

Increase the number of partitions for different topics

def createTopic(topic: NewTopic): F[Unit]

Creates the specified topic.

Creates the specified topic.

def createTopics[G[_]](topics: G[NewTopic])(G: Foldable[G]): F[Unit]

Creates the specified topics.

Creates the specified topics.

def deleteAcls[G[_]](filters: G[AclBindingFilter])(G: Foldable[G]): F[Unit]

Deletes ACLs based on specified filters

Deletes ACLs based on specified filters

def deleteConsumerGroupOffsets(groupId: String, partitions: Set[TopicPartition]): F[Unit]

Delete committed offsets for a set of partitions in a consumer group. This will succeed at the partition level only if the group is not actively subscribed to the corresponding topic.

Delete committed offsets for a set of partitions in a consumer group. This will succeed at the partition level only if the group is not actively subscribed to the corresponding topic.

def deleteTopic(topic: String): F[Unit]

Deletes the specified topic.

Deletes the specified topic.

def deleteTopics[G[_]](topics: G[String])(G: Foldable[G]): F[Unit]

Deletes the specified topics.

Deletes the specified topics.

def describeAcls(filter: AclBindingFilter): F[List[AclBinding]]

Describes the ACLs based on the specified filters, returning a List of AclBinding entries matched

Describes the ACLs based on the specified filters, returning a List of AclBinding entries matched

Describes the cluster. Returns nodes using:

Describes the cluster. Returns nodes using:


or the controller node using:


or the cluster ID using the following.

def describeConfigs[G[_]](resources: G[ConfigResource])(G: Foldable[G]): F[Map[ConfigResource, List[ConfigEntry]]]

Describes the configurations for the specified resources.

Describes the configurations for the specified resources.

def describeConsumerGroups[G[_]](groupIds: G[String])(G: Foldable[G]): F[Map[String, ConsumerGroupDescription]]

Describes the consumer groups with the specified group ids, returning a Map with group ids as keys, and ConsumerGroupDescriptions as values.

Describes the consumer groups with the specified group ids, returning a Map with group ids as keys, and ConsumerGroupDescriptions as values.

def describeTopics[G[_]](topics: G[String])(G: Foldable[G]): F[Map[String, TopicDescription]]

Describes the topics with the specified topic names, returning a Map with topic names as keys, and TopicDescriptions as values.

Describes the topics with the specified topic names, returning a Map with topic names as keys, and TopicDescriptions as values.

Lists consumer group offsets. Returns offsets per topic-partition using:

Lists consumer group offsets. Returns offsets per topic-partition using:


or only offsets for specified topic-partitions using the following.


Lists consumer groups. Returns group ids using:

Lists consumer groups. Returns group ids using:


or ConsumerGroupListings using the following.


Lists topics. Returns topic names using:

Lists topics. Returns topic names using:


or TopicListings using:


or a Map of topic names to TopicListings using the following.


If you want to include internal topics, first use includeInternal.
