
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Type members


sealed abstract class DescribeCluster[F[_]]
sealed abstract class ListConsumerGroupOffsets[F[_]]
sealed abstract class ListConsumerGroupOffsetsForPartitions[F[_]]
sealed abstract class ListConsumerGroups[F[_]]
sealed abstract class ListTopics[F[_]]
sealed abstract class ListTopicsIncludeInternal[F[_]]

Value members

Concrete methods

def resource[F[_]](settings: AdminClientSettings[F])(F: Concurrent[F], context: ContextShift[F]): Resource[F, KafkaAdminClient[F]]

Creates a new KafkaAdminClient in the Resource context, using the specified AdminClientSettings. If working in a Stream context, you might prefer KafkaAdminClient.stream.

Creates a new KafkaAdminClient in the Resource context, using the specified AdminClientSettings. If working in a Stream context, you might prefer KafkaAdminClient.stream.

def stream[F[_]](settings: AdminClientSettings[F])(F: Concurrent[F], context: ContextShift[F]): Stream[F, KafkaAdminClient[F]]

Creates a new KafkaAdminClient in the Stream context, using the specified AdminClientSettings. If you're not working in a Stream context, you might instead prefer to use the KafkaAdminClient.resource.

Creates a new KafkaAdminClient in the Stream context, using the specified AdminClientSettings. If you're not working in a Stream context, you might instead prefer to use the KafkaAdminClient.resource.