
sealed abstract
class ProducerRecord[+K, +V]

ProducerRecord represents a record which can be produced to Kafka. At the very least, this includes a key of type K, a value of type V, and to which topic the record should be produced. The partition, timestamp, and headers can be set by using the withPartition, withTimestamp, and withHeaders functions, respectively.

To create a new instance, use ProducerRecord#apply.

class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Abstract methods

The record headers.

The record headers.

def key: K

The record key.

The record key.

def partition: Option[Int]

The partition to which the record should be produced.

The partition to which the record should be produced.

def timestamp: Option[Long]

The timestamp for when the record was produced.

The timestamp for when the record was produced.

def topic: String

The topic to which the record should be produced.

The topic to which the record should be produced.

def value: V

The record value.

The record value.

def withHeaders(headers: Headers): ProducerRecord[K, V]

Creates a new ProducerRecord instance with the specified headers as the headers for the record.

Creates a new ProducerRecord instance with the specified headers as the headers for the record.

def withPartition(partition: Int): ProducerRecord[K, V]

Creates a new ProducerRecord instance with the specified partition as the partition to which the record should be produced.

Creates a new ProducerRecord instance with the specified partition as the partition to which the record should be produced.

def withTimestamp(timestamp: Long): ProducerRecord[K, V]

Creates a new ProducerRecord instance with the specified timestamp as the timestamp for when the record was produced.

Creates a new ProducerRecord instance with the specified timestamp as the timestamp for when the record was produced.