
trait Sum
trait Mirror
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Type members

Inherited types

type MirroredElemLabels <: Tuple

The names of the product elements

The names of the product elements

Inherited from:
type MirroredLabel <: String

The name of the type

The name of the type

Inherited from:

Value members

Concrete methods

def apply[F[_], K, V](keyDeserializer: Deserializer[F, K], valueDeserializer: Deserializer[F, V])(implicit F: Applicative[F]): ConsumerSettings[F, K, V]
def apply[F[_], K, V](keyDeserializer: RecordDeserializer[F, K], valueDeserializer: Deserializer[F, V])(implicit F: Applicative[F]): ConsumerSettings[F, K, V]
def apply[F[_], K, V](keyDeserializer: Deserializer[F, K], valueDeserializer: RecordDeserializer[F, V])(implicit F: Applicative[F]): ConsumerSettings[F, K, V]
def apply[F[_], K, V](implicit keyDeserializer: RecordDeserializer[F, K], valueDeserializer: RecordDeserializer[F, V]): ConsumerSettings[F, K, V]
def unit[F[_]](implicit F: Sync[F]): ConsumerSettings[F, Unit, Unit]

Create a ConsumerSettings instance using placeholder deserializers that return unit. These can be subsequently replaced using withDeserializers, allowing configuration of deserializers to be decoupled from other configuration.

Create a ConsumerSettings instance using placeholder deserializers that return unit. These can be subsequently replaced using withDeserializers, allowing configuration of deserializers to be decoupled from other configuration.



implicit def consumerSettingsShow[F[_], K, V]: Show[ConsumerSettings[F, K, V]]