



package generic

Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. generic
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Type Members

  1. final class AvroDoc extends Annotation with StaticAnnotation

    Annotation which can be used to include documentation in derived schemas.

    Annotation which can be used to include documentation in derived schemas.

    The annotation can be used in the following situations.
    - Annotate a type for enum documentation when using deriveEnum.
    - Annotate a type for fixed documentation when using deriveFixed.
    - Annotate a case class for record documentation when using Codec.derive from the generic module.
    - Annotate a case class parameter for record field documentation when using Codec.derive from the generic module.

  2. final class AvroNamespace extends Annotation with StaticAnnotation

    Annotation which can be used to set the namespace in derived schemas.

    Annotation which can be used to set the namespace in derived schemas.

    The annotation can be used in the following situations.
    - Annotate a type for enum namespace when using deriveEnum.
    - Annotate a type for fixed namespace when using deriveFixed.
    - Annotate a case class for record namespace when using Codec.derive from the generic module.

  3. implicit final class MagnoliaCodec extends AnyVal

Value Members

  1. implicit final val cnilCodec: Aux[Nothing, CNil]
  2. implicit final def coproductCodec[H, T <: Coproduct](implicit headCodec: Codec[H], tailCodec: Lazy[Codec[T]]): Codec[:+:[H, T]]
  3. implicit final def coproductPrism[C <: Coproduct, A](implicit inject: Inject[C, A], selector: Selector[C, A]): Prism[C, A]
  4. final def deriveEnum[A](symbols: Seq[String], encode: (A) => String, decode: (String) => Either[AvroError, A])(implicit tag: scala.reflect.api.JavaUniverse.WeakTypeTag[A]): Aux[EnumSymbol, A]

    Returns an enum Codec for type A, deriving details like the name, namespace, and AvroDoc documentation from the type A using type tags.

  5. final def deriveFixed[A](size: Int, encode: (A) => Array[Byte], decode: (Array[Byte]) => Either[AvroError, A])(implicit tag: scala.reflect.api.JavaUniverse.WeakTypeTag[A]): Aux[GenericFixed, A]

    Returns a fixed Codec for type A, deriving details like the name, namespace, and AvroDoc documentation from the type A using type tags.

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any

