
object html

HTML Tags, Attributes, and Styles specification

class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

inline def checked[T]: Attr[T]

Indicates whether the element should be checked on page load. Applicable to <command>, <input>

Indicates whether the element should be checked on page load. Applicable to <command>, <input>

inline def disabled[T]: Attr[T]

Indicates whether the user can interact with the element. Applicable to <button>, <command>, <fieldset>, <input>, <keygen>, <optgroup>, <option>, <select>, <textarea>

Indicates whether the user can interact with the element. Applicable to <button>, <command>, <fieldset>, <input>, <keygen>, <optgroup>, <option>, <select>, <textarea>

inline def draggable[T]: Attr[T]

Defines whether the element can be dragged.

Defines whether the element can be dragged.

inline def formNoValidate[T]: Attr[T]

If the button/input is a submit button (type="submit"), this boolean attribute specifies that the form is not to be validated when it is submitted. If this attribute is specified, it overrides the novalidate attribute of the button's form owner. Applicable to <button>, <input>

If the button/input is a submit button (type="submit"), this boolean attribute specifies that the form is not to be validated when it is submitted. If this attribute is specified, it overrides the novalidate attribute of the button's form owner. Applicable to <button>, <input>

inline def hidden[T]: Attr[T]

Prevents rendering of given element, while keeping child elements, e.g. script elements, active.

Prevents rendering of given element, while keeping child elements, e.g. script elements, active.

inline def multiple[T]: Attr[T]

Indicates whether multiple values can be entered in an input of the type email or file. Applicable to <input>, <select>

Indicates whether multiple values can be entered in an input of the type email or file. Applicable to <input>, <select>

inline def readonly[T]: Attr[T]

Indicates whether the element can be edited. Applicable to <input>, <textarea>

Indicates whether the element can be edited. Applicable to <input>, <textarea>

inline def selected[T]: Attr[T]

Defines a value which will be selected on page load. Applicable to <option>

Defines a value which will be selected on page load. Applicable to <option>

Concrete fields

val Html: TagDef

The HTML <html> element represents the root (top-level element) of an HTML document, so it is also referred to as the root element. All other elements must be descendants of this element.

The HTML <html> element represents the root (top-level element) of an HTML document, so it is also referred to as the root element. All other elements must be descendants of this element.

See also

Often used with CSS to style elements with common properties.

Often used with CSS to style elements with common properties.

Describes elements which belongs to this one. Applicable to <label>, <output>

Describes elements which belongs to this one. Applicable to <label>, <output>

The HTML <object> element represents an external resource, which can be treated as an image, a nested browsing context, or a resource to be handled by a plugin.

The HTML <object> element represents an external resource, which can be treated as an image, a nested browsing context, or a resource to be handled by a plugin.

See also

Defines the type of the element. Applicable to <button>, <input>, <command>, <embed>, <object>, <script>, <source>, <style>, <menu>

Defines the type of the element. Applicable to <button>, <input>, <command>, <embed>, <object>, <script>, <source>, <style>, <menu>

The HTML Variable element (<var>) represents the name of a variable in a mathematical expression or a programming context.

The HTML Variable element (<var>) represents the name of a variable in a mathematical expression or a programming context.

See also
val a: TagDef

The HTML <a> element (or anchor element), along with its href attribute, creates a hyperlink to other web pages, files, locations within the same page, email addresses, or any other URL.

The HTML <a> element (or anchor element), along with its href attribute, creates a hyperlink to other web pages, files, locations within the same page, email addresses, or any other URL.

See also
val abbr: TagDef

The HTML Abbreviation element (<abbr>) represents an abbreviation or acronym; the optional title attribute can provide an expansion or description for the abbreviation.

The HTML Abbreviation element (<abbr>) represents an abbreviation or acronym; the optional title attribute can provide an expansion or description for the abbreviation.

See also

List of types the server accepts, typically a file type. Applicable to <form>, <input>

List of types the server accepts, typically a file type. Applicable to <form>, <input>

List of supported charsets. Applicable to <form>

List of supported charsets. Applicable to <form>

Defines a keyboard shortcut to activate or add focus to the element.

Defines a keyboard shortcut to activate or add focus to the element.

The URI of a program that processes the information submitted via the form. Applicable to <form>

The URI of a program that processes the information submitted via the form. Applicable to <form>

The HTML <address> element indicates that the enclosed HTML provides contact information for a person or people, or for an organization.

The HTML <address> element indicates that the enclosed HTML provides contact information for a person or people, or for an organization.

See also

Specifies the horizontal alignment of the element. Applicable to <applet>, <caption>, <col>, <colgroup>, <hr>, <iframe>, <img>, <table>, <tbody>, <td>, <tfoot> , <th>, <thead>, <tr>

Specifies the horizontal alignment of the element. Applicable to <applet>, <caption>, <col>, <colgroup>, <hr>, <iframe>, <img>, <table>, <tbody>, <td>, <tfoot> , <th>, <thead>, <tr>

Specifies a feature-policy for the iframe. Applicable to <iframe>

Specifies a feature-policy for the iframe. Applicable to <iframe>

val alt: AttrDef

Alternative text in case an image can't be displayed. Applicable to <applet>, <area>, <img>, <input>

Alternative text in case an image can't be displayed. Applicable to <applet>, <area>, <img>, <input>

The obsolete HTML Applet Element (<applet>) embeds a Java applet into the document; this element has been deprecated in favor of <object>.

The obsolete HTML Applet Element (<applet>) embeds a Java applet into the document; this element has been deprecated in favor of <object>.

See also
val area: TagDef

The HTML <area> element defines a hot-spot region on an image, and optionally associates it with a hypertext link. This element is used only within a <map> element.

The HTML <area> element defines a hot-spot region on an image, and optionally associates it with a hypertext link. This element is used only within a <map> element.

See also

The HTML <article> element represents a self-contained composition in a document, page, application, or site, which is intended to be independently distributable or reusable (e.g., in syndication).

The HTML <article> element represents a self-contained composition in a document, page, application, or site, which is intended to be independently distributable or reusable (e.g., in syndication).

See also

The HTML <aside> element represents a portion of a document whose content is only indirectly related to the document's main content.

The HTML <aside> element represents a portion of a document whose content is only indirectly related to the document's main content.

See also

Indicates that the script should be executed asynchronously. Applicable to <script>

Indicates that the script should be executed asynchronously. Applicable to <script>

The HTML <audio> element is used to embed sound content in documents. It may contain one or more audio sources, represented using the src attribute or the <source> element: the browser will choose the most suitable one. It can also be the destination for streamed media, using a MediaStream.

The HTML <audio> element is used to embed sound content in documents. It may contain one or more audio sources, represented using the src attribute or the <source> element: the browser will choose the most suitable one. It can also be the destination for streamed media, using a MediaStream.

See also

Controls whether and how text input is automatically capitalized as it is entered/edited by the user.

Controls whether and how text input is automatically capitalized as it is entered/edited by the user.

Indicates whether controls in this form can by default have their values automatically completed by the browser. Applicable to <form>, <input>, <select>, <textarea>

Indicates whether controls in this form can by default have their values automatically completed by the browser. Applicable to <form>, <input>, <select>, <textarea>

The element should be automatically focused after the page loaded. Applicable to <button>, <input>, <keygen>, <select>, <textarea>

The element should be automatically focused after the page loaded. Applicable to <button>, <input>, <keygen>, <select>, <textarea>

The audio or video should play as soon as possible. Applicable to <audio>, <video>

The audio or video should play as soon as possible. Applicable to <audio>, <video>

val b: TagDef

The HTML Bring Attention To element (<b>) is used to draw the reader's attention to the element's contents, which are not otherwise granted special importance.

The HTML Bring Attention To element (<b>) is used to draw the reader's attention to the element's contents, which are not otherwise granted special importance.

See also

When attribute: Specifies the URL of an image file. Note: Although browsers and email clients may still support this attribute, it is obsolete. Use CSS background-image instead. Applicable to <body>, <table>, <td>, <th>

When attribute: Specifies the URL of an image file. Note: Although browsers and email clients may still support this attribute, it is obsolete. Use CSS background-image instead. Applicable to <body>, <table>, <td>, <th>

When style:

See also
val base: TagDef

The HTML <base> element specifies the base URL to use for all relative URLs in a document.

The HTML <base> element specifies the base URL to use for all relative URLs in a document.

See also
val bdi: TagDef

The HTML Bidirectional Isolate element (<bdi>) tells the browser's bidirectional algorithm to treat the text it contains in isolation from its surrounding text.

The HTML Bidirectional Isolate element (<bdi>) tells the browser's bidirectional algorithm to treat the text it contains in isolation from its surrounding text.

See also
val bdo: TagDef

The HTML Bidirectional Text Override element (<bdo>) overrides the current directionality of text, so that the text within is rendered in a different direction.

The HTML Bidirectional Text Override element (<bdo>) overrides the current directionality of text, so that the text within is rendered in a different direction.

See also

The HTML <blockquote> Element (or HTML Block Quotation Element) indicates that the enclosed text is an extended quotation. Usually, this is rendered visually by indentation (see Notes for how to change it). A URL for the source of the quotation may be given using the cite attribute, while a text representation of the source can be given using the <cite> element.

The HTML <blockquote> Element (or HTML Block Quotation Element) indicates that the enclosed text is an extended quotation. Usually, this is rendered visually by indentation (see Notes for how to change it). A URL for the source of the quotation may be given using the cite attribute, while a text representation of the source can be given using the <cite> element.

See also
val body: TagDef

The HTML <body> Element represents the content of an HTML document. There can be only one <body> element in a document.

The HTML <body> Element represents the content of an HTML document. There can be only one <body> element in a document.

See also

Contains the time range of already buffered media. Applicable to <audio>, <video>

Contains the time range of already buffered media. Applicable to <audio>, <video>

The HTML <button> element represents a clickable button, which can be used in forms or anywhere in a document that needs simple, standard button functionality.

The HTML <button> element represents a clickable button, which can be used in forms or anywhere in a document that needs simple, standard button functionality.

See also

Use the HTML <canvas> element with either the canvas scripting API or the WebGL API to draw graphics and animations.

Use the HTML <canvas> element with either the canvas scripting API or the WebGL API to draw graphics and animations.

See also

The HTML Table Caption element (<caption>) specifies the caption (or title) of a table, and if used is always the first child of a <table>.

The HTML Table Caption element (<caption>) specifies the caption (or title) of a table, and if used is always the first child of a <table>.

See also

A challenge string that is submitted along with the public key. Applicable to <keygen>

A challenge string that is submitted along with the public key. Applicable to <keygen>

Declares the character encoding of the page or script. Applicable to <meta>, <script>

Declares the character encoding of the page or script. Applicable to <meta>, <script>

When tag: The HTML Citation element (<cite>) is used to describe a reference to a cited creative work, and must include the title of that work.

When tag: The HTML Citation element (<cite>) is used to describe a reference to a cited creative work, and must include the title of that work.

When attribute: Contains a URI which points to the source of the quote or change. Applicable to <blockquote>, <del>, <ins>, <q>

See also

Often used with CSS to style elements with common properties.

Often used with CSS to style elements with common properties.

val code: TagDef

The HTML <code> element displays its contents styled in a fashion intended to indicate that the text is a short fragment of computer code.

The HTML <code> element displays its contents styled in a fashion intended to indicate that the text is a short fragment of computer code.

See also

This attribute gives the absolute or relative URL of the directory where applets' .class files referenced by the code attribute are stored. Applicable to <applet>

This attribute gives the absolute or relative URL of the directory where applets' .class files referenced by the code attribute are stored. Applicable to <applet>

val col: TagDef

The HTML <col> element defines a column within a table and is used for defining common semantics on all common cells. It is generally found within a <colgroup> element.

The HTML <col> element defines a column within a table and is used for defining common semantics on all common cells. It is generally found within a <colgroup> element.

See also

The HTML <colgroup> element defines a group of columns within a table.

The HTML <colgroup> element defines a group of columns within a table.

See also

Defines the number of columns in a textarea. Applicable to <textarea>

Defines the number of columns in a textarea. Applicable to <textarea>

The colspan attribute defines the number of columns a cell should span. Applicable to <td>, <th>

The colspan attribute defines the number of columns a cell should span. Applicable to <td>, <th>

A value associated with http-equiv or name depending on the context. Applicable to <meta>

A value associated with http-equiv or name depending on the context. Applicable to <meta>

Indicates whether the element's content is editable.

Indicates whether the element's content is editable.

Defines the ID of a <menu> element which will serve as the element's context menu. Applicable to Global attribute

Defines the ID of a <menu> element which will serve as the element's context menu. Applicable to Global attribute

Indicates whether the browser should show playback controls to the user. Applicable to <audio>, <video>

Indicates whether the browser should show playback controls to the user. Applicable to <audio>, <video>

A set of values specifying the coordinates of the hot-spot region. Applicable to <area>

A set of values specifying the coordinates of the hot-spot region. Applicable to <area>

How the element handles cross-origin requests Applicable to <audio>, <img>, <link>, <script>, <video>

How the element handles cross-origin requests Applicable to <audio>, <img>, <link>, <script>, <video>

val csp: AttrDef

Specifies the Content Security Policy that an embedded document must agree to enforce upon itself. Applicable to <iframe>

Specifies the Content Security Policy that an embedded document must agree to enforce upon itself. Applicable to <iframe>

val data: TagDef

The HTML <data> element links a given content with a machine-readable translation. If the content is time- or date-related, the <time> element must be used.

The HTML <data> element links a given content with a machine-readable translation. If the content is time- or date-related, the <time> element must be used.

See also

The HTML <datalist> element contains a set of <option> elements that represent the values available for other controls.

The HTML <datalist> element contains a set of <option> elements that represent the values available for other controls.

See also

Indicates the date and time associated with the element. Applicable to <del>, <ins>, <time>

Indicates the date and time associated with the element. Applicable to <del>, <ins>, <time>

val dd: TagDef

The HTML <dd> element provides the description, definition, or value for the preceding term (<dt>) in a description list (<dl>).

The HTML <dd> element provides the description, definition, or value for the preceding term (<dt>) in a description list (<dl>).

See also

Indicates the preferred method to decode the image. Applicable to <img>

Indicates the preferred method to decode the image. Applicable to <img>

Indicates that the track should be enabled unless the user's preferences indicate something different. Applicable to <track>

Indicates that the track should be enabled unless the user's preferences indicate something different. Applicable to <track>

Indicates that the script should be executed after the page has been parsed. Applicable to <script>

Indicates that the script should be executed after the page has been parsed. Applicable to <script>

val del: TagDef

The HTML <del> element represents a range of text that has been deleted from a document.

The HTML <del> element represents a range of text that has been deleted from a document.

See also

The HTML Details Element (<details>) creates a disclosure widget in which information is visible only when the widget is toggled into an "open" state.

The HTML Details Element (<details>) creates a disclosure widget in which information is visible only when the widget is toggled into an "open" state.

See also
val dfn: TagDef

The HTML Definition element (<dfn>) is used to indicate the term being defined within the context of a definition phrase or sentence.

The HTML Definition element (<dfn>) is used to indicate the term being defined within the context of a definition phrase or sentence.

See also

The HTML <dialog> element represents a dialog box or other interactive component, such as an inspector or window.

The HTML <dialog> element represents a dialog box or other interactive component, such as an inspector or window.

See also
val dir: AttrDef

Defines the text direction. Allowed values are ltr (Left-To-Right) or rtl (Right-To-Left) Applicable to Global attribute

Defines the text direction. Allowed values are ltr (Left-To-Right) or rtl (Right-To-Left) Applicable to Global attribute

Applicable to <input>, <textarea>

Applicable to <input>, <textarea>

val div: TagDef

The HTML Content Division element (

The HTML Content Division element (

) is the generic container for flow content. It has no effect on the content or layout until styled using CSS.

See also
val dl: TagDef

The HTML <dl> element represents a description list. The element encloses a list of groups of terms (specified using the <dt> element) and descriptions (provided by <dd> elements). Common uses for this element are to implement a glossary or to display metadata (a list of key-value pairs).

The HTML <dl> element represents a description list. The element encloses a list of groups of terms (specified using the <dt> element) and descriptions (provided by <dd> elements). Common uses for this element are to implement a glossary or to display metadata (a list of key-value pairs).

See also

Indicates that the hyperlink is to be used for downloading a resource. Applicable to <a>, <area>

Indicates that the hyperlink is to be used for downloading a resource. Applicable to <a>, <area>

Indicates that the element accept the dropping of content on it. Applicable to Global attribute

Indicates that the element accept the dropping of content on it. Applicable to Global attribute

val dt: TagDef

The HTML <dt> element specifies a term in a description or definition list, and as such must be used inside a <dl> element.

The HTML <dt> element specifies a term in a description or definition list, and as such must be used inside a <dl> element.

See also
val em: TagDef

The HTML <em> element marks text that has stress emphasis. The <em> element can be nested, with each level of nesting indicating a greater degree of emphasis.

The HTML <em> element marks text that has stress emphasis. The <em> element can be nested, with each level of nesting indicating a greater degree of emphasis.

See also

The HTML <embed> element embeds external content at the specified point in the document. This content is provided by an external application or other source of interactive content such as a browser plug-in.

The HTML <embed> element embeds external content at the specified point in the document. This content is provided by an external application or other source of interactive content such as a browser plug-in.

See also

Defines the content type of the form date when the method is POST. Applicable to <form>

Defines the content type of the form date when the method is POST. Applicable to <form>

The enterkeyhint specifies what action label (or icon) to present for the enter key on virtual keyboards. The attribute can be used with form controls (such as the value of textarea elements), or in elements in an editing host (e.g., using contenteditable attribute). Applicable to <textarea>, contenteditable

The enterkeyhint specifies what action label (or icon) to present for the enter key on virtual keyboards. The attribute can be used with form controls (such as the value of textarea elements), or in elements in an editing host (e.g., using contenteditable attribute). Applicable to <textarea>, contenteditable

The HTML <fieldset> element is used to group several controls as well as labels (<label>) within a web form.

The HTML <fieldset> element is used to group several controls as well as labels (<label>) within a web form.

See also

The HTML <figcaption> or Figure Caption element represents a caption or legend describing the rest of the contents of its parent <figure> element.

The HTML <figcaption> or Figure Caption element represents a caption or legend describing the rest of the contents of its parent <figure> element.

See also

The HTML <figure> (Figure With Optional Caption) element represents self-contained content, potentially with an optional caption, which is specified using the (<figcaption>) element.

The HTML <figure> (Figure With Optional Caption) element represents self-contained content, potentially with an optional caption, which is specified using the (<figcaption>) element.

See also

When tag: The HTML <form> element represents a document section that contains interactive controls for submitting information to a web server.

When tag: The HTML <form> element represents a document section that contains interactive controls for submitting information to a web server.

When attribute: Indicates the form that is the owner of the element. Applicable to <button>, <fieldset>, <input>, <keygen>, <label>, <meter>, <object>, <output>, <progress>, <select>, <textarea>

See also

Indicates the action of the element, overriding the action defined in the <form>. Applicable to <input>, <button>

Indicates the action of the element, overriding the action defined in the <form>. Applicable to <input>, <button>

If the button/input is a submit button (type="submit"), this attribute sets the encoding type to use during form submission. If this attribute is specified, it overrides the enctype attribute of the button's form owner. Applicable to <button>, <input>

If the button/input is a submit button (type="submit"), this attribute sets the encoding type to use during form submission. If this attribute is specified, it overrides the enctype attribute of the button's form owner. Applicable to <button>, <input>

If the button/input is a submit button (type="submit"), this attribute sets the submission method to use during form submission (GET, POST, etc.). If this attribute is specified, it overrides the method attribute of the button's form owner. Applicable to <button>, <input>

If the button/input is a submit button (type="submit"), this attribute sets the submission method to use during form submission (GET, POST, etc.). If this attribute is specified, it overrides the method attribute of the button's form owner. Applicable to <button>, <input>

If the button/input is a submit button (type="submit"), this attribute specifies the browsing context (for example, tab, window, or inline frame) in which to display the response that is received after submitting the form. If this attribute is specified, it overrides the target attribute of the button's form owner. Applicable to <button>, <input>

If the button/input is a submit button (type="submit"), this attribute specifies the browsing context (for example, tab, window, or inline frame) in which to display the response that is received after submitting the form. If this attribute is specified, it overrides the target attribute of the button's form owner. Applicable to <button>, <input>

val h1: TagDef

The HTML = – ==== elements represent six levels of section headings. = is the highest section level and ==== is the lowest.

The HTML = – ==== elements represent six levels of section headings. = is the highest section level and ==== is the lowest.

See also
val h2: TagDef
val h3: TagDef
val h4: TagDef
val h5: TagDef
val h6: TagDef
val head: TagDef

The HTML <head> element contains machine-readable information (metadata) about the document, like its title, scripts, and style sheets.

The HTML <head> element contains machine-readable information (metadata) about the document, like its title, scripts, and style sheets.

See also

The HTML <header> element represents introductory content, typically a group of introductory or navigational aids. It may contain some heading elements but also a logo, a search form, an author name, and other elements.

The HTML <header> element represents introductory content, typically a group of introductory or navigational aids. It may contain some heading elements but also a logo, a search form, an author name, and other elements.

See also

IDs of the <th> elements which applies to this element. Applicable to <td>, <th>

IDs of the <th> elements which applies to this element. Applicable to <td>, <th>

The HTML <hgroup> element represents a multi-level heading for a section of a document. It groups a set of = – ==== elements.

The HTML <hgroup> element represents a multi-level heading for a section of a document. It groups a set of = – ==== elements.

See also

Indicates the lower bound of the upper range. Applicable to <meter>

Indicates the lower bound of the upper range. Applicable to <meter>

val hr: TagDef

The HTML <hr> element represents a thematic break between paragraph-level elements: for example, a change of scene in a story, or a shift of topic within a section.

The HTML <hr> element represents a thematic break between paragraph-level elements: for example, a change of scene in a story, or a shift of topic within a section.

See also

The URL of a linked resource. Applicable to <a>, <area>, <base>, <link>

The URL of a linked resource. Applicable to <a>, <area>, <base>, <link>

Specifies the language of the linked resource. Applicable to <a>, <area>, <link>

Specifies the language of the linked resource. Applicable to <a>, <area>, <link>

Defines a pragma directive. Applicable to <meta>

Defines a pragma directive. Applicable to <meta>

val i: TagDef

The HTML <i> element represents a range of text that is set off from the normal text for some reason. Some examples include technical terms, foreign language phrases, or fictional character thoughts. It is typically displayed in italic type.

The HTML <i> element represents a range of text that is set off from the normal text for some reason. Some examples include technical terms, foreign language phrases, or fictional character thoughts. It is typically displayed in italic type.

See also

Specifies a picture which represents the command. Applicable to <command>

Specifies a picture which represents the command. Applicable to <command>

val id: AttrDef

Often used with CSS to style a specific element. The value of this attribute must be unique. Applicable to Global attribute

Often used with CSS to style a specific element. The value of this attribute must be unique. Applicable to Global attribute

The HTML Inline Frame element (<iframe>) represents a nested browsing context, embedding another HTML page into the current one.

The HTML Inline Frame element (<iframe>) represents a nested browsing context, embedding another HTML page into the current one.

See also
val img: TagDef

The HTML <img> element embeds an image into the document.

The HTML <img> element embeds an image into the document.

See also

Indicates the relative fetch priority for the resource. Applicable to <iframe>, <img>, <link>, <script>

Indicates the relative fetch priority for the resource. Applicable to <iframe>, <img>, <link>, <script>

The HTML <input> element is used to create interactive controls for web-based forms in order to accept data from the user; a wide variety of types of input data and control widgets are available, depending on the device and user agent.

The HTML <input> element is used to create interactive controls for web-based forms in order to accept data from the user; a wide variety of types of input data and control widgets are available, depending on the device and user agent.

See also

Provides a hint as to the type of data that might be entered by the user while editing the element or its contents. The attribute can be used with form controls (such as the value of textarea elements), or in elements in an editing host (e.g., using contenteditable attribute). Applicable to <textarea>, contenteditable

Provides a hint as to the type of data that might be entered by the user while editing the element or its contents. The attribute can be used with form controls (such as the value of textarea elements), or in elements in an editing host (e.g., using contenteditable attribute). Applicable to <textarea>, contenteditable

val ins: TagDef

The HTML <ins> element represents a range of text that has been added to a document.

The HTML <ins> element represents a range of text that has been added to a document.

See also

Specifies a Subresource Integrity value that allows browsers to verify what they fetch. Applicable to <link>, <script>

Specifies a Subresource Integrity value that allows browsers to verify what they fetch. Applicable to <link>, <script>

This attribute tells the browser to ignore the actual intrinsic size of the image and pretend it’s the size specified in the attribute. Applicable to <img>

This attribute tells the browser to ignore the actual intrinsic size of the image and pretend it’s the size specified in the attribute. Applicable to <img>

Indicates that the image is part of a server-side image map. Applicable to <img>

Indicates that the image is part of a server-side image map. Applicable to <img>

attribute Applicable to Global

attribute Applicable to Global

val kbd: TagDef

The HTML Keyboard Input element (<kbd>) represents a span of inline text denoting textual user input from a keyboard, voice input, or any other text entry device.

The HTML Keyboard Input element (<kbd>) represents a span of inline text denoting textual user input from a keyboard, voice input, or any other text entry device.

See also

Specifies the type of key generated. Applicable to <keygen>

Specifies the type of key generated. Applicable to <keygen>

Specifies the kind of text track. Applicable to <track>

Specifies the kind of text track. Applicable to <track>

When tag: The HTML <label> element represents a caption for an item in a user interface.

When tag: The HTML <label> element represents a caption for an item in a user interface.

When attribute: Specifies a user-readable title of the element. Applicable to <optgroup>, <option>, <track>

See also

Defines the language used in the element.

Defines the language used in the element.

Defines the script language used in the element. Applicable to <script>

Defines the script language used in the element. Applicable to <script>

The HTML <legend> element represents a caption for the content of its parent <fieldset>.

The HTML <legend> element represents a caption for the content of its parent <fieldset>.

See also
val li: TagDef



  • element is used to represent an item in a list.
See also

Identifies a list of pre-defined options to suggest to the user. Applicable to <input>

Identifies a list of pre-defined options to suggest to the user. Applicable to <input>

Indicates whether the media should start playing from the start when it's finished. Applicable to <audio>, <bgsound>, <marquee>, <video>

Indicates whether the media should start playing from the start when it's finished. Applicable to <audio>, <bgsound>, <marquee>, <video>

val low: AttrDef

Indicates the upper bound of the lower range. Applicable to <meter>

Indicates the upper bound of the lower range. Applicable to <meter>

val main: TagDef

The HTML <main> element represents the dominant content of the <body> of a document. The main content area consists of content that is directly related to or expands upon the central topic of a document, or the central functionality of an application.

The HTML <main> element represents the dominant content of the <body> of a document. The main content area consists of content that is directly related to or expands upon the central topic of a document, or the central functionality of an application.

See also
val map: TagDef

The HTML <map> element is used with <area> elements to define an image map (a clickable link area).

The HTML <map> element is used with <area> elements to define an image map (a clickable link area).

See also
val mark: TagDef

The HTML Mark Text element (<mark>) represents text which is marked or highlighted for reference or notation purposes, due to the marked passage's relevance or importance in the enclosing context.

The HTML Mark Text element (<mark>) represents text which is marked or highlighted for reference or notation purposes, due to the marked passage's relevance or importance in the enclosing context.

See also
val max: AttrDef

Indicates the maximum value allowed. Applicable to <input>, <meter>, <progress>

Indicates the maximum value allowed. Applicable to <input>, <meter>, <progress>

Defines the maximum number of characters allowed in the element. Applicable to <input>, <textarea>

Defines the maximum number of characters allowed in the element. Applicable to <input>, <textarea>

Specifies a hint of the media for which the linked resource was designed. Applicable to <a>, <area>, <link>, <source>, <style>

Specifies a hint of the media for which the linked resource was designed. Applicable to <a>, <area>, <link>, <source>, <style>

val meta: TagDef

The HTML <meta> element represents metadata that cannot be represented by other HTML meta-related elements, like <base>, <link>, <script>, <style> or <title>.

The HTML <meta> element represents metadata that cannot be represented by other HTML meta-related elements, like <base>, <link>, <script>, <style> or <title>.

See also

The HTML <meter> element represents either a scalar value within a known range or a fractional value.

The HTML <meter> element represents either a scalar value within a known range or a fractional value.

See also

Defines which HTTP method to use when submitting the form. Can be GET (default) or POST. Applicable to <form>

Defines which HTTP method to use when submitting the form. Can be GET (default) or POST. Applicable to <form>

val min: AttrDef

Indicates the minimum value allowed. Applicable to <input>, <meter>

Indicates the minimum value allowed. Applicable to <input>, <meter>

Defines the minimum number of characters allowed in the element. Applicable to <input>, <textarea>

Defines the minimum number of characters allowed in the element. Applicable to <input>, <textarea>

Indicates whether the audio will be initially silenced on page load. Applicable to <audio>, <video>

Indicates whether the audio will be initially silenced on page load. Applicable to <audio>, <video>

Name of the element. For example used by the server to identify the fields in form submits. Applicable to <button>, <form>, <fieldset>, <iframe>, <input>, <keygen>, <object>, <output>, <select>, <textarea>, <map>, <meta>, <param>

Name of the element. For example used by the server to identify the fields in form submits. Applicable to <button>, <form>, <fieldset>, <iframe>, <input>, <keygen>, <object>, <output>, <select>, <textarea>, <map>, <meta>, <param>

The <noembed> element is an obsolete, non-standard way to provide alternative, or "fallback", content for browsers that do not support the <embed> element or do not support the type of embedded content an author wishes to use.

The <noembed> element is an obsolete, non-standard way to provide alternative, or "fallback", content for browsers that do not support the <embed> element or do not support the type of embedded content an author wishes to use.

See also

The HTML <noscript> element defines a section of HTML to be inserted if a script type on the page is unsupported or if scripting is currently turned off in the browser.

The HTML <noscript> element defines a section of HTML to be inserted if a script type on the page is unsupported or if scripting is currently turned off in the browser.

See also

This attribute indicates that the form shouldn't be validated when submitted. Applicable to <form>

This attribute indicates that the form shouldn't be validated when submitted. Applicable to <form>

val ol: TagDef

The HTML element represents an ordered list of items, typically rendered as a numbered list.

The HTML element represents an ordered list of items, typically rendered as a numbered list.

See also

Indicates whether the details will be shown on page load. Applicable to <details>

Indicates whether the details will be shown on page load. Applicable to <details>

The HTML <optgroup> element creates a grouping of options within a <select> element.

The HTML <optgroup> element creates a grouping of options within a <select> element.

See also

Indicates the optimal numeric value. Applicable to <meter>

Indicates the optimal numeric value. Applicable to <meter>

The HTML <option> element is used to define an item contained in a <select>, an <optgroup>, or a <datalist> element. As such, <option> can represent menu items in popups and other lists of items in an HTML document.

The HTML <option> element is used to define an item contained in a <select>, an <optgroup>, or a <datalist> element. As such, <option> can represent menu items in popups and other lists of items in an HTML document.

See also

The HTML Output element (<output>) is a container element into which a site or app can inject the results of a calculation or the outcome of a user action.

The HTML Output element (<output>) is a container element into which a site or app can inject the results of a calculation or the outcome of a user action.

See also
val p: TagDef



element represents a paragraph.

See also

The HTML <param> element defines parameters for an <object> element.

The HTML <param> element defines parameters for an <object> element.

See also

Defines a regular expression which the element's value will be validated against. Applicable to <input>

Defines a regular expression which the element's value will be validated against. Applicable to <input>

The HTML <picture> element contains zero or more <source> elements and one <img> element to provide versions of an image for different display/device scenarios.

The HTML <picture> element contains zero or more <source> elements and one <img> element to provide versions of an image for different display/device scenarios.

See also

The ping attribute specifies a space-separated list of URLs to be notified if a user follows the hyperlink. Applicable to <a>, <area>

The ping attribute specifies a space-separated list of URLs to be notified if a user follows the hyperlink. Applicable to <a>, <area>

Provides a hint to the user of what can be entered in the field. Applicable to <input>, <textarea>

Provides a hint to the user of what can be entered in the field. Applicable to <input>, <textarea>

A URL indicating a poster frame to show until the user plays or seeks. Applicable to <video>

A URL indicating a poster frame to show until the user plays or seeks. Applicable to <video>

val pre: TagDef



<pre> element represents preformatted text which is to be presented exactly as written in the HTML file. @see

Indicates whether the whole resource, parts of it or nothing should be preloaded. Applicable to <audio>, <video>

Indicates whether the whole resource, parts of it or nothing should be preloaded. Applicable to <audio>, <video>

The HTML <progress> element displays an indicator showing the completion progress of a task, typically displayed as a progress bar.

The HTML <progress> element displays an indicator showing the completion progress of a task, typically displayed as a progress bar.

See also
val q: TagDef

The HTML <q> element indicates that the enclosed text is a short inline quotation. Most modern browsers implement this by surrounding the text in quotation marks.

The HTML <q> element indicates that the enclosed text is a short inline quotation. Most modern browsers implement this by surrounding the text in quotation marks.

See also

Applicable to <command>

Applicable to <command>

val rb: TagDef

The HTML Ruby Base (<rb>) element is used to delimit the base text component of a <ruby> annotation, i.e. the text that is being annotated.

The HTML Ruby Base (<rb>) element is used to delimit the base text component of a <ruby> annotation, i.e. the text that is being annotated.

See also

Specifies which referrer is sent when fetching the resource. Applicable to <a>, <area>, <iframe>, <img>, <link>, <script>

Specifies which referrer is sent when fetching the resource. Applicable to <a>, <area>, <iframe>, <img>, <link>, <script>

val rel: AttrDef

Specifies the relationship of the target object to the link object. Applicable to <a>, <area>, <link>

Specifies the relationship of the target object to the link object. Applicable to <a>, <area>, <link>

Indicates whether this element is required to fill out or not. Applicable to <input>, <select>, <textarea>

Indicates whether this element is required to fill out or not. Applicable to <input>, <select>, <textarea>

Indicates whether the list should be displayed in a descending order instead of a ascending. Applicable to

Indicates whether the list should be displayed in a descending order instead of a ascending. Applicable to

Defines the number of rows in a text area. Applicable to <textarea>

Defines the number of rows in a text area. Applicable to <textarea>

Defines the number of rows a table cell should span over. Applicable to <td>, <th>

Defines the number of rows a table cell should span over. Applicable to <td>, <th>

val rp: TagDef

The HTML Ruby Fallback Parenthesis (<rp>) element is used to provide fall-back parentheses for browsers that do not support display of ruby annotations using the <ruby> element.

The HTML Ruby Fallback Parenthesis (<rp>) element is used to provide fall-back parentheses for browsers that do not support display of ruby annotations using the <ruby> element.

See also
val rt: TagDef

The HTML Ruby Text (<rt>) element specifies the ruby text component of a ruby annotation, which is used to provide pronunciation, translation, or transliteration information for East Asian typography. The <rt> element must always be contained within a <ruby> element.

The HTML Ruby Text (<rt>) element specifies the ruby text component of a ruby annotation, which is used to provide pronunciation, translation, or transliteration information for East Asian typography. The <rt> element must always be contained within a <ruby> element.

See also
val rtc: TagDef

The HTML Ruby Text Container (<rtc>) element embraces semantic annotations of characters presented in a ruby of <rb> elements used inside of <ruby> element. <rb> elements can have both pronunciation (<rt>) and semantic (<rtc>) annotations.

The HTML Ruby Text Container (<rtc>) element embraces semantic annotations of characters presented in a ruby of <rb> elements used inside of <ruby> element. <rb> elements can have both pronunciation (<rt>) and semantic (<rtc>) annotations.

See also
val ruby: TagDef

The HTML <ruby> element represents a ruby annotation. Ruby annotations are for showing pronunciation of East Asian characters.

The HTML <ruby> element represents a ruby annotation. Ruby annotations are for showing pronunciation of East Asian characters.

See also
val s: TagDef

The HTML <s> element renders text with a strikethrough, or a line through it. Use the <s> element to represent things that are no longer relevant or no longer accurate. However, <s> is not appropriate when indicating document edits; for that, use the <del> and <ins> elements, as appropriate.

The HTML <s> element renders text with a strikethrough, or a line through it. Use the <s> element to represent things that are no longer relevant or no longer accurate. However, <s> is not appropriate when indicating document edits; for that, use the <del> and <ins> elements, as appropriate.

See also
val samp: TagDef

The HTML Sample Element (<samp>) is used to enclose inline text which represents sample (or quoted) output from a computer program.

The HTML Sample Element (<samp>) is used to enclose inline text which represents sample (or quoted) output from a computer program.

See also

Stops a document loaded in an iframe from using certain features (such as submitting forms or opening new windows). Applicable to <iframe>

Stops a document loaded in an iframe from using certain features (such as submitting forms or opening new windows). Applicable to <iframe>

Defines the cells that the header test (defined in the th element) relates to. Applicable to <th>

Defines the cells that the header test (defined in the th element) relates to. Applicable to <th>

Applicable to <style>

Applicable to <style>

The HTML <script> element is used to embed or reference executable code; this is typically used to embed or refer to JavaScript code.

The HTML <script> element is used to embed or reference executable code; this is typically used to embed or refer to JavaScript code.

See also

The HTML <section> element represents a standalone section — which doesn't have a more specific semantic element to represent it — contained within an HTML document.

The HTML <section> element represents a standalone section — which doesn't have a more specific semantic element to represent it — contained within an HTML document.

See also

The HTML <select> element represents a control that provides a menu of options

The HTML <select> element represents a control that provides a menu of options

See also

Applicable to <a>, <area>

Applicable to <a>, <area>

Defines the width of the element (in pixels). If the element's type attribute is text or password then it's the number of characters. Applicable to <input>, <select>

Defines the width of the element (in pixels). If the element's type attribute is text or password then it's the number of characters. Applicable to <input>, <select>

Applicable to <link>, <img>, <source>

Applicable to <link>, <img>, <source>

Assigns a slot in a shadow DOM shadow tree to an element. Applicable to Global attribute

Assigns a slot in a shadow DOM shadow tree to an element. Applicable to Global attribute

The HTML <small> element represents side-comments and small print, like copyright and legal text, independent of its styled presentation. By default, it renders text within it one font-size small, such as from small to x-small.

The HTML <small> element represents side-comments and small print, like copyright and legal text, independent of its styled presentation. By default, it renders text within it one font-size small, such as from small to x-small.

See also

The HTML <source> element specifies multiple media resources for the <picture>, the <audio> element, or the <video> element.

The HTML <source> element specifies multiple media resources for the <picture>, the <audio> element, or the <video> element.

See also

When tag: The HTML <span> element is a generic inline container for phrasing content, which does not inherently represent anything. It can be used to group elements for styling purposes (using the class or id attributes), or because they share attribute values, such as lang.

When tag: The HTML <span> element is a generic inline container for phrasing content, which does not inherently represent anything. It can be used to group elements for styling purposes (using the class or id attributes), or because they share attribute values, such as lang.

When attribute: Applicable to <col>, <colgroup>

See also

Indicates whether spell checking is allowed for the element. Applicable to Global attribute

Indicates whether spell checking is allowed for the element. Applicable to Global attribute

val src: AttrDef

The URL of the embeddable content. Applicable to <audio>, <embed>, <iframe>, <img>, <input>, <script>, <source>, <track>, <video>

The URL of the embeddable content. Applicable to <audio>, <embed>, <iframe>, <img>, <input>, <script>, <source>, <track>, <video>

Applicable to <iframe>

Applicable to <iframe>

Applicable to <track>

Applicable to <track>

One or more responsive image candidates. Applicable to <img>, <source>

One or more responsive image candidates. Applicable to <img>, <source>

Defines the first number if other than 1. Applicable to

Defines the first number if other than 1. Applicable to

Applicable to <input>

Applicable to <input>

The HTML Strong Importance Element (<strong>) indicates that its contents have strong importance, seriousness, or urgency. Browsers typically render the contents in bold type.

The HTML Strong Importance Element (<strong>) indicates that its contents have strong importance, seriousness, or urgency. Browsers typically render the contents in bold type.

See also

When tag: The HTML <style> element contains style information for a document, or part of a document.

When tag: The HTML <style> element contains style information for a document, or part of a document.

When attribute: Defines CSS styles which will override styles previously set.

See also
val sub: TagDef

The HTML Subscript element (<sub>) specifies inline text which should be displayed as subscript for solely typographical reasons.

The HTML Subscript element (<sub>) specifies inline text which should be displayed as subscript for solely typographical reasons.

See also

When tag: The HTML Disclosure Summary element (<summary>) element specifies a summary, caption, or legend for a <details> element's disclosure box.

When tag: The HTML Disclosure Summary element (<summary>) element specifies a summary, caption, or legend for a <details> element's disclosure box.

When attribute: Applicable to <table>

See also
val sup: TagDef

The HTML Superscript element (<sup>) specifies inline text which is to be displayed as superscript for solely typographical reasons.

The HTML Superscript element (<sup>) specifies inline text which is to be displayed as superscript for solely typographical reasons.

See also

Overrides the browser's default tab order and follows the one specified instead. Applicable to Global attribute

Overrides the browser's default tab order and follows the one specified instead. Applicable to Global attribute

The HTML <table> element represents tabular data — that is, information presented in a two-dimensional table comprised of rows and columns of cells containing data.

The HTML <table> element represents tabular data — that is, information presented in a two-dimensional table comprised of rows and columns of cells containing data.

See also

Applicable to <a>, <area>, <base>, <form>

Applicable to <a>, <area>, <base>, <form>

The HTML Table Body element (<tbody>) encapsulates a set of table rows (<tr> elements), indicating that they comprise the body of the table (<table>).

The HTML Table Body element (<tbody>) encapsulates a set of table rows (<tr> elements), indicating that they comprise the body of the table (<table>).

See also
val td: TagDef

The HTML <td> element defines a cell of a table that contains data. It participates in the table model.

The HTML <td> element defines a cell of a table that contains data. It participates in the table model.

See also

The HTML <textarea> element represents a multi-line plain-text editing control, useful when you want to allow users to enter a sizeable amount of free-form text, for example a comment on a review or feedback form.

The HTML <textarea> element represents a multi-line plain-text editing control, useful when you want to allow users to enter a sizeable amount of free-form text, for example a comment on a review or feedback form.

See also

The HTML <tfoot> element defines a set of rows summarizing the columns of the table.

The HTML <tfoot> element defines a set of rows summarizing the columns of the table.

See also
val th: TagDef

The HTML <th> element defines a cell as header of a group of table cells. The exact nature of this group is defined by the scope and headers attributes.

The HTML <th> element defines a cell as header of a group of table cells. The exact nature of this group is defined by the scope and headers attributes.

See also

The HTML <thead> element defines a set of rows defining the head of the columns of the table.

The HTML <thead> element defines a set of rows defining the head of the columns of the table.

See also
val time: TagDef

The HTML <time> element represents a specific period in time.

The HTML <time> element represents a specific period in time.

See also

When tag: The HTML Title element (<title>) defines the document's title that is shown in a browser's title bar or a page's tab.

When tag: The HTML Title element (<title>) defines the document's title that is shown in a browser's title bar or a page's tab.

When attribute: Text to be displayed in a tooltip when hovering over the element.

See also
val tr: TagDef

The HTML <tr> element defines a row of cells in a table. The row's cells can then be established using a mix of <td> (data cell) and <th> (header cell) elements.

The HTML <tr> element defines a row of cells in a table. The row's cells can then be established using a mix of <td> (data cell) and <th> (header cell) elements.

See also

The HTML <track> element is used as a child of the media elements <audio> and <video>. It lets you specify timed text tracks (or time-based data), for example to automatically handle subtitles. The tracks are formatted in WebVTT format (.vtt files) — Web Video Text Tracks or Timed Text Markup Language (TTML).

The HTML <track> element is used as a child of the media elements <audio> and <video>. It lets you specify timed text tracks (or time-based data), for example to automatically handle subtitles. The tracks are formatted in WebVTT format (.vtt files) — Web Video Text Tracks or Timed Text Markup Language (TTML).

See also

Specify whether an element ’s attribute values and the values of its Text node children are to be translated when the page is localized, or whether to leave them unchanged. Applicable to Global attribute

Specify whether an element ’s attribute values and the values of its Text node children are to be translated when the page is localized, or whether to leave them unchanged. Applicable to Global attribute

val tt: TagDef

The obsolete HTML Teletype Text element (<tt>) creates inline text which is presented using the user agent's default monospace font face.

The obsolete HTML Teletype Text element (<tt>) creates inline text which is presented using the user agent's default monospace font face.

See also
val u: TagDef

The HTML Unarticulated Annotation Element (<u>) represents a span of inline text which should be rendered in a way that indicates that it has a non-textual annotation.

The HTML Unarticulated Annotation Element (<u>) represents a span of inline text which should be rendered in a way that indicates that it has a non-textual annotation.

See also
val ul: TagDef

The HTML element represents an unordered list of items, typically rendered as a bulleted list.

The HTML element represents an unordered list of items, typically rendered as a bulleted list.

See also

<object> Applicable to <img>, <input>,

Defines a default value which will be displayed in the element on page load. Applicable to <button>, <data>, <input>,

Defines a default value which will be displayed in the element on page load. Applicable to <button>, <data>, <input>,

  • , <meter>, <option>, <progress>, <param>

The HTML Video element (<video>) embeds a media player which supports video playback into the document. You can use <video> for audio content as well, but the <audio> element may provide a more appropriate user experience.

The HTML Video element (<video>) embeds a media player which supports video playback into the document. You can use <video> for audio content as well, but the <audio> element may provide a more appropriate user experience.

See also
val wbr: TagDef

The HTML <wbr> element represents a word break opportunity—a position within text where the browser may optionally break a line, though its line-breaking rules would not otherwise create a break at that location.

The HTML <wbr> element represents a word break opportunity—a position within text where the browser may optionally break a line, though its line-breaking rules would not otherwise create a break at that location.

See also

Indicates whether the text should be wrapped. Applicable to <textarea>

Indicates whether the text should be wrapped. Applicable to <textarea>

Deprecated fields

@deprecated("Do not use
in Korolev projects. It\'s lead to virtual dom desynchronizing", "forever")
val br: TagDef

The HTML <br> element produces a line break in text (carriage-return). It is useful for writing a poem or an address, where the division of lines is significant.

The HTML <br> element produces a line break in text (carriage-return). It is useful for writing a poem or an address, where the division of lines is significant.

See also