
object Cell
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Type members


object given_Show_Cell extends Show[Cell]

Value members

Concrete methods

def apply(value: Boolean): Cell
def apply(value: Int): Cell
def apply(value: Long): Cell
def apply(value: Float): Cell
def apply(value: Double): Cell
def apply(value: BigDecimal): Cell
def apply(value: String): Cell
def apply(value: LocalDate): Cell
def apply(value: OffsetDateTime): Cell
def apply(value: Seq[Cell]): Cell
def apply(value: Map[String, Cell]): Cell
def bool(value: Boolean): Cell
def date(value: LocalDate): Cell
def datetime(value: OffsetDateTime): Cell
def decimal(value: BigDecimal): Cell
def diff(name: String, before: Option[Cell], after: Option[Cell]): Iterable[Change[String, Cell]]

Calculate the difference between two cells.

Calculate the difference between two cells.

def f32(value: Float): Cell
def f64(value: Double): Cell
def haveSameType(a: Cell, b: Cell): Boolean

Checks whether two cells have the same type.

Checks whether two cells have the same type.

def i32(value: Int): Cell
def i64(value: Long): Cell
def merge(a: Cell, b: Cell): Either[Throwable, Cell]

Deep-merges two cells, replacing values in the left cell with values from the right cell.

Deep-merges two cells, replacing values in the left cell with values from the right cell.

def str(value: String): Cell
def struct(value: Map[String, Cell]): Cell
def vec(value: Seq[Cell]): Cell

Concrete fields

val void: Cell




extension (cell: Cell)
def asAny: Either[Throwable, Any]

Extension Call Operations

Extension Call Operations

def asBoolean: Either[Throwable, Boolean]

Extension Call Operations

Extension Call Operations

def asStructCell: Either[Throwable, StructCell]

Extension Call Operations

Extension Call Operations