


package client

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. trait ArgEncoder[-A] extends AnyRef

    Typeclass that defines how to encode an argument of type A into a valid caliban.client.__Value.

    Typeclass that defines how to encode an argument of type A into a valid caliban.client.__Value. Every type that can be passed as an argument needs an instance of ArgEncoder.

    @implicitNotFound( ... )
  2. case class Argument[+A](name: String, value: A, typeInfo: String)(implicit encoder: ArgEncoder[A]) extends Product with Serializable

    Represents an argument in a GraphQL query.

    Represents an argument in a GraphQL query. Requires an encoder for the argument type.

  3. sealed trait CalibanClientError extends Throwable with Product with Serializable

    The base type for all Caliban Client errors.

  4. trait FieldBuilder[+A] extends AnyRef

    Represents a single field that returns a result of type A.

  5. case class GraphQLRequest(query: String, variables: Map[String, __Value]) extends Product with Serializable

    Represents a GraphQL request, containing a query and a map of variables.

  6. case class GraphQLResponse(data: Option[__Value], errors: List[GraphQLResponseError] = Nil, extensions: Option[Json] = None) extends Product with Serializable

    Represents the result of a GraphQL query, containing a data object and a list of errors.

  7. case class GraphQLResponseError(message: String, locations: Option[List[Location]], path: Option[List[Either[String, Int]]], extensions: Option[Json]) extends Product with Serializable

    An GraphQL error as returned by the server.

    An GraphQL error as returned by the server.


    error message


    line and column that caused the error in the initial query


    path of the field that caused the error

  8. trait ScalarDecoder[+A] extends AnyRef

    Typeclass that defines how to decode a scalar from a GraphQL response into a proper value of type A.

    Typeclass that defines how to decode a scalar from a GraphQL response into a proper value of type A.

    @implicitNotFound( ... )
  9. sealed trait Selection extends AnyRef
  10. sealed trait SelectionBuilder[-Origin, +A] extends AnyRef

    Represents a selection from parent type Origin that returns a result of type A.

  11. sealed trait __Value extends AnyRef

    Value that can be returned by the server or sent as an argument.

Value Members

  1. object ArgEncoder
  2. object Argument extends Serializable
  3. object CalibanClientError extends Serializable
  4. object FieldBuilder
  5. object GraphQLRequest extends Serializable
  6. object GraphQLResponse extends Serializable
  7. object GraphQLResponseError extends Serializable
  8. object IntrospectionClient
  9. object Operations
  10. object ScalarDecoder
  11. object Selection
  12. object SelectionBuilder
  13. object __Value
