
final case class FetchNode(serviceName: String, traceParsingFailed: Boolean, trace: Option[Trace], sentTimeOffset: Long, sentTime: Option[Timestamp], receivedTime: Option[Timestamp], unknownFields: UnknownFieldSet) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[FetchNode]

This represents a node to send an operation to an implementing service

Value parameters:

Wallclock times measured in the gateway for when this operation was sent and received.


relative to the outer trace's start_time, in ns, measured in the gateway.


XXX When we want to include more details about the sub-operation that was executed against this service, we should include that here in each fetch node. This might include an operation signature, requires directive, reference resolutions, etc.


This Trace only contains start_time, end_time, duration_ns, and root; all timings were calculated on the federated service, and clock skew will be handled by the ingress server.

trait Updatable[FetchNode]
trait GeneratedMessage
trait Serializable
trait Product
trait Equals
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

def getField(`__field`: FieldDescriptor): PValue
def getFieldByNumber(`__fieldNumber`: Int): Any
def getReceivedTime: Timestamp
def getSentTime: Timestamp
override def serializedSize: Int
Definition Classes
def toProtoString: String
def withReceivedTime(`__v`: Timestamp): FetchNode
def withSentTime(`__v`: Timestamp): FetchNode
def withSentTimeOffset(`__v`: Long): FetchNode
def withServiceName(`__v`: String): FetchNode
def withTraceParsingFailed(`__v`: Boolean): FetchNode
def withUnknownFields(`__v`: UnknownFieldSet): FetchNode
def writeTo(`_output__`: CodedOutputStream): Unit

Inherited methods

def productElementNames: Iterator[String]
Inherited from:
def productIterator: Iterator[Any]
Inherited from:
final def toByteArray: Array[Byte]

Serializes the message and returns a byte array containing its raw bytes

Serializes the message and returns a byte array containing its raw bytes

Inherited from:
final def toByteString: ByteString

Serializes the message and returns a ByteString containing its raw bytes

Serializes the message and returns a ByteString containing its raw bytes

Inherited from:
final def toPMessage: PMessage
Inherited from:
def update(ms: Lens[FetchNode, FetchNode] => () => FetchNode*): FetchNode
Inherited from:
final def writeDelimitedTo(output: OutputStream): Unit
Inherited from:
final def writeTo(output: OutputStream): Unit

Serializes the message into the given output stream

Serializes the message into the given output stream

Inherited from: