
object Http4sAdapter


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Self type

Members list

Value members

Concrete methods

def convertHttpEndpointToF[F[_], R](endpoint: ServerEndpoint[Fs2Streams[F], [_] =>> RIO[R, _$30]])(implicit interop: ToEffect[F, R]): ServerEndpoint[Fs2Streams[F], F]

If you wish to use Http4sServerInterpreter with cats-effect IO instead of ZHttp4sServerInterpreter, you can use this function to convert the tapir endpoints to their cats-effect counterpart.

If you wish to use Http4sServerInterpreter with cats-effect IO instead of ZHttp4sServerInterpreter, you can use this function to convert the tapir endpoints to their cats-effect counterpart.


def convertWebSocketEndpointToF[F[_], R](endpoint: ServerEndpoint[ZioWebSockets, [_] =>> RIO[R, _$34]])(implicit interop: CatsInterop[F, R], runtime: Runtime[R]): ServerEndpoint[Fs2Streams[F] & WebSockets, F]

If you wish to use Http4sServerInterpreter with cats-effect IO instead of ZHttp4sServerInterpreter, you can use this function to convert the tapir endpoints to their cats-effect counterpart.

If you wish to use Http4sServerInterpreter with cats-effect IO instead of ZHttp4sServerInterpreter, you can use this function to convert the tapir endpoints to their cats-effect counterpart.


def makeHttpService[R, E](interpreter: HttpInterpreter[R, E]): HttpRoutes[[_] =>> RIO[R, _$1]]
def makeHttpServiceF[F[_] : Async, R, E](interpreter: HttpInterpreter[R, E])(implicit evidence$1: Async[F], interop: ToEffect[F, R]): HttpRoutes[F]
def makeHttpUploadService[R, E](interpreter: HttpUploadInterpreter[R, E])(implicit requestCodec: JsonCodec[GraphQLRequest], mapCodec: JsonCodec[Map[String, Seq[String]]]): HttpRoutes[[_] =>> RIO[R, _$3]]
def makeHttpUploadServiceF[F[_] : Async, R, E](interpreter: HttpUploadInterpreter[R, E])(implicit evidence$2: Async[F], interop: ToEffect[F, R], requestCodec: JsonCodec[GraphQLRequest], mapCodec: JsonCodec[Map[String, Seq[String]]]): HttpRoutes[F]
def makeWebSocketService[R, R1 <: R, E](builder: WebSocketBuilder2[[_] =>> RIO[R, _$5]], interpreter: WebSocketInterpreter[R1, E]): HttpRoutes[[_] =>> RIO[R1, _$6]]
def makeWebSocketServiceF[F[_] : Async, R, E](builder: WebSocketBuilder2[F], interpreter: WebSocketInterpreter[R, E])(implicit evidence$3: Async[F], interop: CatsInterop[F, R], runtime: Runtime[R]): HttpRoutes[F]
def provideLayerFromRequest[R](route: HttpRoutes[[_] =>> RIO[R, _$9]], f: Request[Task] => TaskLayer[R]): HttpRoutes[Task]

Utility function to create an http4s middleware that can extracts something from each request and provide a layer to eliminate the ZIO environment

Utility function to create an http4s middleware that can extracts something from each request and provide a layer to eliminate the ZIO environment

Type parameters


the environment type to eliminate

Value parameters


a function from a request to a ZLayer


an http4s route



a new route without the R requirement

def provideSomeLayerFromRequest[R, R1](route: HttpRoutes[[_] =>> RIO[R & R1, _$16]], f: Request[[_] =>> RIO[R, _$17]] => RLayer[R, R1])(implicit tagged: Tag[R1]): HttpRoutes[[_] =>> RIO[R, _$18]]

Utility function to create an http4s middleware that can extracts something from each request and provide a layer to eliminate some part of the ZIO environment

Utility function to create an http4s middleware that can extracts something from each request and provide a layer to eliminate some part of the ZIO environment

Type parameters


the remaining environment


the environment to eliminate

Value parameters


a function from a request to a ZLayer


an http4s route



a new route that requires only R