
Type members


Returns a wrapper which applies apollo caching response extensions

Returns a wrapper which applies apollo caching response extensions

sealed trait Wrapper[-R]

A Wrapper[-R] represents an extra layer of computation that can be applied on top of Caliban's query handling. There are different base types of wrappers:

A Wrapper[-R] represents an extra layer of computation that can be applied on top of Caliban's query handling. There are different base types of wrappers:

  • OverallWrapper to wrap the whole query processing
  • ParsingWrapper to wrap the query parsing only
  • ValidationWrapper to wrap the query validation only
  • ExecutionWrapper to wrap the query execution only
  • FieldWrapper to wrap each field execution

It is also possible to combine wrappers using |+| and to build a wrapper effectfully with EffectfulWrapper.

object Wrapper
object Wrappers