
trait GraphQLInterpreter[-R, +E]

A GraphQLInterpreter[-R, +E] represents a GraphQL interpreter whose execution requires a ZIO environment of type R and can fail with an E.

It is a wrapper around a GraphQL API definition that allows adding some middleware around query execution, and possibly transform the environment or the error type.

class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Abstract methods

def check(query: String): IO[CalibanError, Unit]

Parses and validates the provided query against this API.

Parses and validates the provided query against this API.

Value Params

a string containing the GraphQL query.


an effect that either fails with a CalibanError or succeeds with Unit

def executeRequest(request: GraphQLRequest, skipValidation: Boolean, enableIntrospection: Boolean, queryExecution: QueryExecution): URIO[R, GraphQLResponse[E]]

Parses, validates and finally runs the provided request against this interpreter.

Parses, validates and finally runs the provided request against this interpreter.

Value Params

returns an error for introspection queries when false


a strategy for executing queries in parallel or not


a GraphQL request


skips the validation step if true


an effect that either fails with an E or succeeds with a ResponseValue

Concrete methods

def execute(query: String, operationName: Option[String], variables: Map[String, InputValue], extensions: Map[String, InputValue], skipValidation: Boolean, enableIntrospection: Boolean, queryExecution: QueryExecution): URIO[R, GraphQLResponse[E]]

Parses, validates and finally runs the provided query against this interpreter.

Parses, validates and finally runs the provided query against this interpreter.

Value Params

returns an error for introspection queries when false


a map of extensions


the operation to run in case the query contains multiple operations


a string containing the GraphQL query


a strategy for executing queries in parallel or not


skips the validation step if true


a map of variables


an effect that either fails with an E or succeeds with a ResponseValue

def mapError[E2](f: E => E2): GraphQLInterpreter[R, E2]

Changes the error channel of the execute method. This can be used to customize error messages.

Changes the error channel of the execute method. This can be used to customize error messages.

Value Params

a function from the current error type E to another type E2


a new GraphQL interpreter with error type E2

def provide(r: R)(implicit ev: NeedsEnv[R]): GraphQLInterpreter[Any, E]

Provides the interpreter with its required environment, which eliminates its dependency on R.

Provides the interpreter with its required environment, which eliminates its dependency on R.

def provideCustomLayer[E1 >: E, R1 <: Has[_]](layer: ZLayer[ZEnv, E1, R1])(implicit ev: ZEnv & R1 <:< R, tagged: Tag[R1]): GraphQLInterpreter[ZEnv, E1]

Provides the part of the environment that is not part of the ZEnv, leaving a query that only depends on the ZEnv.

Provides the part of the environment that is not part of the ZEnv, leaving a query that only depends on the ZEnv.

def provideLayer[E1 >: E, R0, R1 <: Has[_]](layer: ZLayer[R0, E1, R1])(implicit ev1: R1 <:< R, ev2: NeedsEnv[R]): GraphQLInterpreter[R0, E1]

Provides a layer to this interpreter, which translates it to another level.

Provides a layer to this interpreter, which translates it to another level.

def provideSomeLayer[R0 <: Has[_]]: ProvideSomeLayer[R0, R, E]

Splits the environment into two parts, providing one part using the specified layer and leaving the remainder R0.

Splits the environment into two parts, providing one part using the specified layer and leaving the remainder R0.

def wrapExecutionWith[R2, E2](f: URIO[R, GraphQLResponse[E]] => URIO[R2, GraphQLResponse[E2]]): GraphQLInterpreter[R2, E2]

Wraps the execute method of the interpreter with the given function. This can be used to customize errors, add global timeouts or logging functions.

Wraps the execute method of the interpreter with the given function. This can be used to customize errors, add global timeouts or logging functions.

Value Params

a function from URIO[R, GraphQLResponse[E]] to URIO[R2, GraphQLResponse[E2]]


a new GraphQL interpreter