
  • package root

    JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is a lightweight data-interchange format.

    JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is a lightweight data-interchange format. It is easy for humans to read and write. It is easy for machines to parse and generate. JSON is a text format that is completely language independent but uses conventions that are familiar to programmers of the C-family of languages,

    JSON has only types of string, number, boolean, object, array, and null. This library includes additional types such as date, int, long, double, counter, binary, UUID, ObjectId (as in BSON), etc.

    It is very easy to parse a JSON object:

    val doc =
        "store": {
          "book": [
              "category": "reference",
              "author": "Nigel Rees",
              "title": "Sayings of the Century",
              "price": 8.95
              "category": "fiction",
              "author": "Evelyn Waugh",
              "title": "Sword of Honour",
              "price": 12.99
              "category": "fiction",
              "author": "Herman Melville",
              "title": "Moby Dick",
              "isbn": "0-553-21311-3",
              "price": 8.99
              "category": "fiction",
              "author": "J. R. R. Tolkien",
              "title": "The Lord of the Rings",
              "isbn": "0-395-19395-8",
              "price": 22.99
          "bicycle": {
            "color": "red",
            "price": 19.95

    The interpolator json parse a string to JsObject. It is also okay to embed variable references directly in processed string literals.

    val x = 1
        "x": $x

    If the string is not a JSON object but any other valid JSON expression, one may use parseJson method to convert the string to a JsValue.


    The json interpolator can only be applied to string literals. If you want to parse a string variable, the parseJson method can always be employed. If you know the string contains a JSON object, you may also use the method parseJsObject.

    val s = """{"x":1}"""

    To serialize a JSON value (of type JsValue) in compact mode, you can just use toString. To pretty print, use the method prettyPrint.


    With a JsObject or JsArray, you can refer to the individual elements with a variation of array syntax, like this:

    // Use symbol instead of string

    Note that we follow Scala's array access convention by () rather than [] in JavaScript.

    Besides, you can use the dot notation to access its fields/elements just like in JavaScript:

    It is worth noting that we didn't define the type/schema of the document while Scala is a strong type language. In other words, we have both the type safe features of strong type language and the flexibility of dynamic language in this JSON library.

    If you try to access a non-exist field, 1JsUndefined is returned.

    res11: unicorn.json.JsValue = undefined

    Although there are already several nice JSON libraries for Scala, the JSON objects are immutable by design, which is a natural choice for a functional language. For database, however, data mutation is necessary. Therefore, JsObject and JsArray are mutable data structures. You can set/add a field just like in JavaScript: = "green"

    To delete a field from JsObject, use remove method: remove "price"

    It is same as setting it JsUndefined: = `JsUndefined`

    To delete an element from JsArray, the remove method will effectively remove it from the array. However, setting an element to undefined doesn't reduce the array size.

    // delete the first element and array size is smaller
    // set the first element to undefined but array size keeps same = JsUndefined

    It is also possible to append an element or another array to JsArray:

    val a = JsArray(1, 2, 3, 4)
    a += 5
    a ++= JsArray(5, 6)

    Common iterative operations such as foreach, map, reduce can be applied to JsArray too.[JsArray].foreach { book =>

    Because Scala is a static language, it is impossible to know is an array at compile time. So it is typed as generic JsValue, which is the parent type of specific JSON data types. Therefore, we use asInstanceOf[JsArray] to convert it to JsArray in order to use foreach.

    Definition Classes
  • package smile
    Definition Classes
  • package json

    Definition Classes
  • CompactPrinter
  • JsArray
  • JsBinary
  • JsBoolean
  • JsCounter
  • JsDate
  • JsDateTime
  • JsDecimal
  • JsDouble
  • JsInt
  • JsLong
  • JsNull
  • JsObject
  • JsObjectId
  • JsString
  • JsTime
  • JsTimestamp
  • JsUUID
  • JsUndefined
  • JsValue
  • JsValueOrdering
  • JsonHelper
  • JsonParser
  • JsonPrinter
  • JsonSerializer
  • ObjectId
  • ParserInput
  • PrettyPrinter

package json

Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. json
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Type Members

  1. trait CompactPrinter extends JsonPrinter

    A JsonPrinter that produces compact JSON source without any superfluous whitespace.

    A JsonPrinter that produces compact JSON source without any superfluous whitespace. Adopt from spray-json.

  2. case class JsArray(elements: ArrayBuffer[JsValue]) extends JsValue with Iterable[JsValue] with Product with Serializable
  3. case class JsBinary(value: Array[Byte]) extends JsValue with Product with Serializable
  4. case class JsBoolean(value: Boolean) extends JsValue with Ordered[JsBoolean] with Product with Serializable
  5. case class JsCounter(value: Long) extends JsValue with Ordered[JsCounter] with Product with Serializable

    A counter is a 64 bit integer.

    A counter is a 64 bit integer. The difference from JsLong is mostly for internal representation in database. For encoding reason, the effective number of bits are 56, which should be big enough in practice.

  6. case class JsDate(value: LocalDate) extends JsValue with Ordered[JsDate] with Product with Serializable

    An immutable date without a time-zone in the ISO-8601 calendar system, often viewed as year-month-day such as 2007-12-03.

  7. case class JsDateTime(value: LocalDateTime) extends JsValue with Ordered[JsDateTime] with Product with Serializable

    An immutable date-time without a time-zone in the ISO-8601 calendar system, such as 2007-12-03T10:15:30.

    An immutable date-time without a time-zone in the ISO-8601 calendar system, such as 2007-12-03T10:15:30. Although LocalTime/JsTime can be represented to nanosecond precision, a JSON serializer may not store the nano-of-second field to save the space. To preserve the high precision of time, JsTimestamp should be employed.

  8. case class JsDecimal(value: BigDecimal) extends JsValue with Ordered[JsDecimal] with Product with Serializable
  9. case class JsDouble(value: Double) extends JsValue with Ordered[JsDouble] with Product with Serializable
  10. case class JsInt(value: Int) extends JsValue with Ordered[JsInt] with Product with Serializable
  11. case class JsLong(value: Long) extends JsValue with Ordered[JsLong] with Product with Serializable
  12. case class JsObject(fields: Map[String, JsValue]) extends JsValue with Product with Serializable
  13. case class JsObjectId(value: ObjectId) extends JsValue with Product with Serializable
  14. case class JsString(value: String) extends JsValue with Ordered[JsString] with Product with Serializable
  15. case class JsTime(value: LocalTime) extends JsValue with Ordered[JsTime] with Product with Serializable

    An immutable time without a time-zone in the ISO-8601 calendar system, often viewed as hour-minute-second such as 10:15:30.

    An immutable time without a time-zone in the ISO-8601 calendar system, often viewed as hour-minute-second such as 10:15:30. Although LocalTime/JsTime can be represented to nanosecond precision, a JSON serializer may not store the nano-of-second field to save the space. To preserve the high precision of time, JsTimestamp should be employed.

  16. case class JsTimestamp(value: Timestamp) extends JsValue with Ordered[JsTimestamp] with Product with Serializable

    An SQL TIMESTAMP value.

    An SQL TIMESTAMP value. It adds the ability to hold the SQL TIMESTAMP fractional seconds value, by allowing the specification of fractional seconds to a precision of nanoseconds. Support the JDBC escape syntax for timestamp values.

    The precision of a Timestamp object is calculated to be either:

    • 19 , which is the number of characters in yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss
    • 20 + s , which is the number of characters in the yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss.[fff...] and s represents the scale of the given Timestamp, its fractional seconds precision.
  17. type JsTopLevel = Either[JsObject, JsArray]
  18. case class JsUUID(value: UUID) extends JsValue with Product with Serializable
  19. sealed trait JsValue extends Dynamic

    JSON value.

  20. implicit final class JsonHelper extends AnyVal

    Enable json .

  21. class JsonParser extends AnyRef
  22. trait JsonPrinter extends (JsValue) => String

    A JsonPrinter serializes a JSON AST to a String.

    A JsonPrinter serializes a JSON AST to a String. Adopt from spray-json.

  23. class JsonSerializer extends LazyLogging

    JSON Serializer in BSON format as defined by

    JSON Serializer in BSON format as defined by This is not fully compatible with BSON spec, where the root must be a document/JsObject. In contrast, the root can be any JsValue in our implementation. Correspondingly, the root will always has the type byte as the first byte.

    Not Multi-threading safe. Each thread should have its own BsonSerializer instance. Data size limit to 10MB by default.

    Although JsTime/JsDateTime can be represented to nanosecond precision, we don't store the nano-of-second field to save the space. To preserve the high precision of time, JsTimestamp should be employed and of course consumes more space.

  24. case class ObjectId(id: Array[Byte]) extends Product with Serializable

    BSON's 12-byte ObjectId type, constructed using: a 4-byte value representing the seconds since the Unix epoch, a 3-byte machine identifier, a 2-byte process id, and a 3-byte counter, starting with a random value.

    BSON's 12-byte ObjectId type, constructed using: a 4-byte value representing the seconds since the Unix epoch, a 3-byte machine identifier, a 2-byte process id, and a 3-byte counter, starting with a random value.

    The implementation is adopt from ReactiveMongo.

  25. trait ParserInput extends AnyRef
  26. trait PrettyPrinter extends JsonPrinter

    A JsonPrinter that produces a nicely readable JSON source.

    A JsonPrinter that produces a nicely readable JSON source. Adopt from spray-json.

Value Members

  1. val JsFalse: JsBoolean
  2. val JsTrue: JsBoolean
  3. implicit def array2JsValue[T <: JsValue](x: Array[T]): JsArray
  4. implicit def bigdecimal2JsValue(x: BigDecimal): JsDecimal
  5. implicit def boolean2JsValue(x: Boolean): JsBoolean
  6. implicit def byteArray2JsValue(x: Array[Byte]): JsBinary
  7. implicit def date2JsValue(x: Date): JsTimestamp
  8. implicit def double2JsValue(x: Double): JsDouble
  9. implicit def int2JsValue(x: Int): JsInt
  10. implicit def jsArrayTopLevel(x: JsArray): Right[Nothing, JsArray]
  11. implicit def jsObjectTopLevel(x: JsObject): Left[JsObject, Nothing]
  12. implicit def json2BigDecimal(json: JsValue): BigDecimal
  13. implicit def json2BigDecimal(x: JsDecimal): BigDecimal
  14. implicit def json2Binary(x: JsBinary): Array[Byte]
  15. implicit def json2Boolean(json: JsValue): Boolean
  16. implicit def json2Boolean(x: JsBoolean): Boolean
  17. implicit def json2ByteArray(json: JsValue): Array[Byte]
  18. implicit def json2Date(json: JsValue): Date
  19. implicit def json2Date(x: JsTimestamp): Date
  20. implicit def json2Date(x: JsDate): LocalDate
  21. implicit def json2DateTime(x: JsDateTime): LocalDateTime
  22. implicit def json2Double(json: JsValue): Double
  23. implicit def json2Double(x: JsDouble): Double
  24. implicit def json2Int(json: JsValue): Int
  25. implicit def json2Int(x: JsInt): Int
  26. implicit def json2LocalDate(json: JsValue): LocalDate
  27. implicit def json2LocalDateTime(json: JsValue): LocalDateTime
  28. implicit def json2LocalTime(json: JsValue): LocalTime
  29. implicit def json2Long(json: JsValue): Long
  30. implicit def json2Long(x: JsLong): Long
  31. implicit def json2ObjectId(x: JsObjectId): ObjectId
  32. implicit def json2String(json: JsValue): String
  33. implicit def json2String(x: JsString): String
  34. implicit def json2Time(x: JsTime): LocalTime
  35. implicit def json2Timestamp(json: JsValue): Timestamp
  36. implicit def json2Timestamp(x: JsTimestamp): Timestamp
  37. implicit def json2UUID(x: JsUUID): UUID
  38. implicit def localDate2JsValue(x: LocalDate): JsDate
  39. implicit def localDateTime2JsValue(x: LocalDateTime): JsDateTime
  40. implicit def localTime2JsValue(x: LocalTime): JsTime
  41. implicit def long2JsValue(x: Long): JsLong
  42. implicit def map2JsValue[T <: JsValue](x: Map[String, T]): JsObject
  43. implicit def map2JsValue(x: Map[String, JsValue]): JsObject
  44. implicit def map2JsValue[T <: JsValue](x: Seq[(String, T)]): JsObject
  45. implicit def objectId2JsValue(x: ObjectId): JsObjectId
  46. implicit def pimpBigDecimalArray(x: Array[BigDecimal]): PimpedBigDecimalSeq
  47. implicit def pimpBigDecimalMap(x: Map[String, BigDecimal]): PimpedBigDecimalMap
  48. implicit def pimpBigDecimalMutableMap(x: Map[String, BigDecimal]): PimpedBigDecimalMutableMap
  49. implicit def pimpBigDecimalSeq(x: Seq[BigDecimal]): PimpedBigDecimalSeq
  50. implicit def pimpBooleanArray(x: Array[Boolean]): PimpedBooleanSeq
  51. implicit def pimpBooleanMap(x: Map[String, Boolean]): PimpedBooleanMap
  52. implicit def pimpBooleanMutableMap(x: Map[String, Boolean]): PimpedBooleanMutableMap
  53. implicit def pimpBooleanSeq(x: Seq[Boolean]): PimpedBooleanSeq
  54. implicit def pimpDateArray(x: Array[Date]): PimpedDateSeq
  55. implicit def pimpDateArray(x: Seq[Date]): PimpedDateSeq
  56. implicit def pimpDateMap(x: Map[String, Date]): PimpedDateMap
  57. implicit def pimpDateMutableMap(x: Map[String, Date]): PimpedDateMutableMap
  58. implicit def pimpDoubleArray(x: Array[Double]): PimpedDoubleSeq
  59. implicit def pimpDoubleMap(x: Map[String, Double]): PimpedDoubleMap
  60. implicit def pimpDoubleMutableMap(x: Map[String, Double]): PimpedDoubleMutableMap
  61. implicit def pimpDoubleSeq(x: Seq[Double]): PimpedDoubleSeq
  62. implicit def pimpIntArray(x: Array[Int]): PimpedIntSeq
  63. implicit def pimpIntMap(x: Map[String, Int]): PimpedIntMap
  64. implicit def pimpIntMutableMap(x: Map[String, Int]): PimpedIntMutableMap
  65. implicit def pimpIntSeq(x: Seq[Int]): PimpedIntSeq
  66. implicit def pimpLocalDateArray(x: Array[LocalDate]): PimpedLocalDateSeq
  67. implicit def pimpLocalDateArray(x: Seq[LocalDate]): PimpedLocalDateSeq
  68. implicit def pimpLocalDateTimeArray(x: Array[LocalDateTime]): PimpedLocalDateTimeSeq
  69. implicit def pimpLocalDateTimeArray(x: Seq[LocalDateTime]): PimpedLocalDateTimeSeq
  70. implicit def pimpLocalTimeArray(x: Array[LocalTime]): PimpedLocalTimeSeq
  71. implicit def pimpLocalTimeArray(x: Seq[LocalTime]): PimpedLocalTimeSeq
  72. implicit def pimpLongArray(x: Array[Long]): PimpedLongSeq
  73. implicit def pimpLongMap(x: Map[String, Long]): PimpedLongMap
  74. implicit def pimpLongMutableMap(x: Map[String, Long]): PimpedLongMutableMap
  75. implicit def pimpLongSeq(x: Seq[Long]): PimpedLongSeq
  76. implicit def pimpString(string: String): PimpedString
  77. implicit def pimpStringArray(x: Array[String]): PimpedStringSeq
  78. implicit def pimpStringMap(x: Map[String, String]): PimpedStringMap
  79. implicit def pimpStringMutableMap(x: Map[String, String]): PimpedStringMutableMap
  80. implicit def pimpStringSeq(x: Seq[String]): PimpedStringSeq
  81. implicit def pimpTimestampArray(x: Array[Timestamp]): PimpedTimestampSeq
  82. implicit def pimpTimestampArray(x: Seq[Timestamp]): PimpedTimestampSeq
  83. implicit def seq2JsValue[T <: JsValue](x: Seq[T]): JsArray
  84. implicit def string2JsValue(x: String): JsString
  85. implicit def timestamp2JsValue(x: Timestamp): JsTimestamp
  86. implicit def uuid2JsValue(x: UUID): JsUUID
  87. object CompactPrinter extends CompactPrinter
  88. object JsArray extends Serializable
  89. object JsBoolean extends Serializable
  90. object JsCounter extends Serializable
  91. object JsDate extends Serializable
  92. object JsDateTime extends Serializable
  93. object JsDecimal extends Serializable
  94. object JsDouble extends Serializable
  95. object JsInt extends Serializable
  96. object JsLong extends Serializable
  97. object JsNull extends JsValue with Product with Serializable
  98. object JsObject extends Serializable
  99. object JsObjectId extends Serializable
  100. object JsString extends Serializable
  101. object JsTime extends Serializable
  102. object JsTimestamp extends Serializable
  103. object JsUUID extends Serializable
  104. object JsUndefined extends JsValue with Product with Serializable
  105. object JsValueOrdering extends Ordering[JsValue]
  106. object JsonParser

    Fast, no-dependency parser for JSON as defined by

    Fast, no-dependency parser for JSON as defined by Adopt from spray-json.

  107. object JsonPrinter
  108. object JsonSerializer
  109. object ObjectId extends Serializable
  110. object ParserInput
  111. object PrettyPrinter extends PrettyPrinter

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
