

package value

Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. value
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
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Type Members

  1. final case class Index(i: Int) extends Position with Product with Serializable

    represents an index in a Json array

    represents an index in a Json array


    the number of the index

  2. final case class JsArray(values: Seq[JsValue] = Vector.empty) extends AbstractJsArray with Json[JsArray] with Traversable[JsValue] with Iterable[JsValue] with Product with Serializable

    represents an immutable Json array.

    represents an immutable Json array. There are several ways of creating a Json array, being the most common the following:

    • From a string, array of bytes or an input stream of bytes, using the parse functions of the companion object
    • From the apply function of the companion object:

    immutable seq of JsValue

  3. case class JsArrayParser(deserializer: ValueParser) extends Parser[JsArray] with Product with Serializable
  4. final case class JsBigDec(value: BigDecimal) extends JsNumber with Product with Serializable

    Represents an immutable number of type BigDecimal

    Represents an immutable number of type BigDecimal


    the value of the number

  5. final case class JsBigInt(value: BigInt) extends JsNumber with Product with Serializable

    Represents an immutable number of type BigInt

    Represents an immutable number of type BigInt


    the value of the number

  6. sealed case class JsBool(value: Boolean) extends JsPrimitive with Product with Serializable

    represents an immutable boolean

    represents an immutable boolean


    the value associated, either true or false

  7. final case class JsDouble(value: Double) extends JsNumber with Product with Serializable

    Represents an immutable number of type Double

    Represents an immutable number of type Double


    the value of the number

  8. final case class JsInt(value: Int) extends JsNumber with Product with Serializable

    Represents an immutable number of type Int

    Represents an immutable number of type Int


    the value of the number

  9. final case class JsLong(value: Long) extends JsNumber with Product with Serializable

    Represents an immutable number of type Long

    Represents an immutable number of type Long


    the value of the number

  10. sealed trait JsNumber extends JsPrimitive

    Represents an immutable number

  11. final case class JsObj(bindings: Map[String, JsValue] = HashMap.empty) extends AbstractJsObj with Traversable[(String, JsValue)] with Json[JsObj] with Product with Serializable

    represents an immutable Json object.

    represents an immutable Json object. There are several ways of creating a Json object, being the most common the following:

    • From a string, array of bytes or an input stream of bytes, using the parse functions of the companion object
    • From the apply function of the companion object.

    immutable map of JsValue

  12. case class JsObjParser(spec: JsObjSpec, additionalKeys: Boolean = false) extends Parser[JsObj] with Product with Serializable

    Represents a Json object parser.

    Represents a Json object parser. The parsed Json object must conform the specification


    specification of the Json object


    if true, the parser accepts other keys different than the specified in the spec

  13. final case class JsPath(positions: Vector[Position]) extends Product with Serializable

    Represents the full path location of an element in a json.

    Represents the full path location of an element in a json. The easiest way of creating a JsPath is.


    keys and/or indexes a path is made up of

  14. sealed trait JsPrimitive extends JsValue

    Represents any value in a Json that is not a container, i.e.

    Represents any value in a Json that is not a container, i.e. a Json object or a Json array

  15. final case class JsStr(value: String) extends JsPrimitive with Product with Serializable

    Represents an immutable string

    Represents an immutable string


    the value of the string

  16. sealed trait JsValue extends AnyRef

    Represents any element in a Json.

    Represents any element in a Json. All the value types are immutable, being the Json array and Json object implemented with persistent data structures

  17. sealed trait Json[T <: Json[T]] extends JsValue
  18. case class Key(name: String) extends Position with Product with Serializable

    represents a key in a Json object

    represents a key in a Json object


    name of the key

  19. sealed trait Parser[T <: Json[T]] extends AnyRef

    A parser parses an input into a Json

    A parser parses an input into a Json


    the type of the Json returned

  20. sealed trait Position extends AnyRef

    represents a position in a Json.

    represents a position in a Json. A JsPath is a list of positions.

Value Members

  1. object AbstractJson
  2. object FALSE extends JsBool
  3. object JsArray extends Serializable
  4. object JsArrayParser extends Serializable
  5. object JsNothing extends JsValue with Product with Serializable

    It's a special Json value that represents 'nothing'.

    It's a special Json value that represents 'nothing'. Inserting nothing in a json leaves the json unchanged. Functions that return a JsValue, return JsNothing when no element is found, what makes them total on their arguments.

    val obj = JsObj.empty obj("a") == JsNothing obj.inserted("a",JsNothing) == obj

  6. object JsNull extends JsPrimitive with Product with Serializable

    Json null singleton object

  7. object JsNumber
  8. object JsObj extends Serializable
  9. object JsObjParser extends Serializable
  10. object JsPath extends Serializable
  11. object Preamble

    singleton with all the implicit conversions of the library.

    singleton with all the implicit conversions of the library. It must be always imported in order to be more concise and idiomatic defining Jsons, specs and JsPath.

  12. object TRUE extends JsBool

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
