



package spec

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. final case class Invalid(message: String) extends Result with Product with Serializable

    represents an error

    represents an error


    the error message

  2. sealed trait Result extends AnyRef

    represents the result of validating a Json against a spec

Value Members

  1. object * extends SpecKey

    represents all the keys not specified in a JsObjSpec.

    represents all the keys not specified in a JsObjSpec. Without specifying *, no key other than a and b are allowed by the spec

  2. object JsArraySpecs

    Factory of specs to define values as Json arrays

  3. object JsBoolSpecs

    Factory of specs to define values as booleans

  4. object JsNumberSpecs

    Factory of specs to define values as numbers

  5. object JsObjSpecs

    Factory of specs to define values as Json objects

  6. object JsSpecs

    Factory of specs

  7. object JsStrSpecs

    Factory of specs to define values as strings

  8. object Preamble
  9. object Valid extends Result

    successful result
