Class JsObjSpecParser


public final class JsObjSpecParser extends Object
The JsObjSpecParser class is responsible for creating JSON object parsers based on provided JSON specifications (specs). It allows you to define a JSON schema using a specification and then use that schema to parse JSON data into structured Java objects. This class is part of the JSONValues library, which focuses on providing a type-safe and functional approach to JSON parsing and manipulation.

A parser, in the context of this class, refers to an instance of JsParser that encapsulates the rules and constraints defined in a JSON specification. The parser ensures that the JSON data being parsed conforms to the specified schema, enforcing rules such as data types, required fields, and user-defined conditions.

Usage of this class typically involves creating an instance with a JSON specification and then using that instance to parse JSON data. If the JSON data does not adhere to the specified schema, a JsParserException will be raised, providing detailed information about the parsing code.

This class provides three main methods for parsing JSON data:

It's important to note that the provided JSON specification should match the structure and constraints of the JSON data you expect to parse. The parser will enforce these constraints during parsing.

  • Method Details

    • of

      public static JsObjSpecParser of(JsSpec spec)
      Creates a JSON object parser based on the provided JSON object specification (spec). The parser will validate that every field in a JSON object adheres to the schema defined in the given specification.
      spec - The JSON object specification that defines the expected schema for each field-value in the object.
      a Json object parser
    • parse

      public JsObj parse(byte[] bytes)
      Parses an array of bytes into a JSON object that must conform to the spec of the parser. If the array of bytes doesn't represent a well-formed JSON or is a well-formed JSON that doesn't conform to the spec of the parser, a ParsingException failure wrapped in a Try computation is returned.
      bytes - A JSON object serialized as an array of bytes.
      A Try computation with the parsed JSON object or a ParsingException failure.
      NullPointerException - if the provided byte array is null.
      JsParserException - If parsing fails due to JSON syntax errors or specification violations.
    • parse

      public JsObj parse(String str)
      Parses a string into a JSON object that must conform to the spec of the parser. If the string doesn't represent a well-formed JSON or is a well-formed JSON that doesn't conform to the spec of the parser, a ParsingException failure wrapped in a Try computation is returned.
      str - A JSON object serialized as a string.
      A Try computation with the parsed JSON object or a ParsingException failure.
      NullPointerException - if the provided string is null.
      JsParserException - If parsing fails due to JSON syntax errors or specification violations.
    • parse

      public JsObj parse(InputStream inputstream)
      Parses an input stream of bytes into a JSON object that must conform to the spec of the parser. If the input stream of bytes doesn't represent a well-formed JSON object or is a well-formed JSON that doesn't conform to the spec of the parser, a ParsingException failure wrapped in a Try computation is returned. Any I/O exception that occurs while processing the input stream is also wrapped in a Try computation.
      inputstream - The input stream of bytes.
      A Try computation with the parsed JSON object or a ParsingException failure.
      NullPointerException - if the provided input stream is null.
      JsParserException - If parsing fails due to JSON syntax errors or specification violations.