Package actors.future

Class JsArrayFuture

  • public class JsArrayFuture
    extends Object
    • Constructor Detail

      • JsArrayFuture

        public JsArrayFuture()
    • Method Detail

      • of

        public static io.vertx.core.Future<jsonvalues.JsArray> of​(io.vertx.core.Future<? extends jsonvalues.JsValue> fut,
                                                                  io.vertx.core.Future<? extends jsonvalues.JsValue>... others)
        returns a future computation that returns a json array.
        fut - a future JsValue
        others - optionals futures of values
        a future JsArray
      • of

        public io.vertx.core.Future<jsonvalues.JsArray> of​(JsFuturePair pair,
                                                           JsFuturePair... others)
        returns a future computation that returns a json array. The head of the paths of the pairs have to be numbers, pointing to the positions of the array when it will be inserted
        pair - a pair
        others - optionals pairs
        a future JsArray