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Actor<I> - Class in actors
Represents an actor, which is a Verticle in Vertx jargon.
Actor(Consumer<Message<I>>, String) - Constructor for class actors.Actor
Creates an actor instance that when deployed will process the messages sent to the given address
ActorRef<I,​O> - Class in actors
It represents a reference to an actor, the unit of computation.
actors - package actors
actors - Variable in class actors.ActorsModule
Factory to deploy or spawn actors
Actors - Class in actors
Class that deploys and spawns verticles.
Actors(Vertx) - Constructor for class actors.Actors
Creates a factory to deploy and spawn verticles
Actors(Vertx, DeploymentOptions) - Constructor for class actors.Actors
Creates a factory to deploy and spawn verticles
actors.expresions - package actors.expresions
actors.future - package actors.future
ActorsModule - Class in actors
Actor that acts as a module deploying and exposing all the deployed actors.
ActorsModule() - Constructor for class actors.ActorsModule
address - Variable in class actors.ActorRef
address where an actor is listening on
all(Predicate<O>) - Static method in class actors.expresions.Conditions
and(Supplier<Future<Boolean>>, Supplier<Future<Boolean>>...) - Static method in class actors.expresions.Conditions
any(Predicate<O>) - Static method in class actors.expresions.Conditions
ask() - Method in class actors.ActorRef
Method to establish a conversation with this actor: a message is sent and then a message is received.
ask(DeliveryOptions) - Method in class actors.ActorRef
Method to establish a conversation with this actor: a message is sent and then a message is received.


Conditions - Class in actors.expresions
Conditions() - Constructor for class actors.expresions.Conditions


decodeFromWire(int, Buffer) - Method in class actors.JsArrayValCodec
decodeFromWire(int, Buffer) - Method in class actors.JsObjValCodec
defineActors(List<Object>) - Method in class actors.ActorsModule
The purpose of this method is to initialize the functions/consumers/suppliers defined in static fields of this class that will be exposed.
deploy(String, Consumer<Message<I>>) - Method in class actors.Actors
It deploys a verticle that listen on the given address.
deploy(String, Consumer<Message<I>>, DeploymentOptions) - Method in class actors.Actors
deploy(String, Function<I, O>) - Method in class actors.Actors
deploy(String, Function<I, O>, DeploymentOptions) - Method in class actors.Actors
deploy(Consumer<Message<I>>) - Method in class actors.Actors
It deploys a verticle
deploy(Consumer<Message<I>>, DeploymentOptions) - Method in class actors.Actors
deploy(Function<I, O>) - Method in class actors.Actors
deployActors() - Method in class actors.ActorsModule
deploy all the actors of the module using the factory Actors


encodeToWire(Buffer, JsArray) - Method in class actors.JsArrayValCodec
encodeToWire(Buffer, JsObj) - Method in class actors.JsObjValCodec
Expressions - Class in actors.expresions
Expressions() - Constructor for class actors.expresions.Expressions


get() - Method in class actors.expresions.IfThenElse


ids - Variable in class actors.ActorRef
the identifiers assigned to the different instances of this actor after being deployed.
IfThenElse<O> - Class in actors.expresions
INSTANCE - Static variable in class actors.JsArrayValCodec
INSTANCE - Static variable in class actors.JsObjValCodec


JsArrayFuture - Class in actors.future
JsArrayFuture() - Constructor for class actors.future.JsArrayFuture
JsArrayValCodec - Class in actors
JsFuturePair - Class in actors.future
represents a pair which first element is a path and second element is a future of a JsValue
JsObjFuture - Class in actors.future
JsObjFuture() - Constructor for class actors.future.JsObjFuture
JsObjValCodec - Class in actors
Codec that allows to send JsObj as messages


name() - Method in class actors.JsArrayValCodec
name() - Method in class actors.JsObjValCodec


of(JsFuturePair, JsFuturePair...) - Method in class actors.future.JsArrayFuture
returns a future computation that returns a json array.
of(JsFuturePair, JsFuturePair...) - Method in class actors.future.JsObjFuture
of(Future<? extends JsValue>, Future<? extends JsValue>...) - Static method in class actors.future.JsArrayFuture
returns a future computation that returns a json array.
of(String, Future<? extends JsValue>) - Method in class actors.future.JsObjFuture
of(String, Future<? extends JsValue>, String, Future<? extends JsValue>) - Method in class actors.future.JsObjFuture
of(String, Future<? extends JsValue>, String, Future<? extends JsValue>, String, Future<? extends JsValue>) - Method in class actors.future.JsObjFuture
of(String, Future<? extends JsValue>, String, Future<? extends JsValue>, String, Future<? extends JsValue>, String, Future<? extends JsValue>) - Method in class actors.future.JsObjFuture
of(String, Future<? extends JsValue>, String, Future<? extends JsValue>, String, Future<? extends JsValue>, String, Future<? extends JsValue>, String, Future<? extends JsValue>) - Method in class actors.future.JsObjFuture
of(String, Future<? extends JsValue>, String, Future<? extends JsValue>, String, Future<? extends JsValue>, String, Future<? extends JsValue>, String, Future<? extends JsValue>, String, Future<? extends JsValue>) - Method in class actors.future.JsObjFuture
of(String, Future<? extends JsValue>, String, Future<? extends JsValue>, String, Future<? extends JsValue>, String, Future<? extends JsValue>, String, Future<? extends JsValue>, String, Future<? extends JsValue>, String, Future<? extends JsValue>) - Method in class actors.future.JsObjFuture
of(String, Future<? extends JsValue>, String, Future<? extends JsValue>, String, Future<? extends JsValue>, String, Future<? extends JsValue>, String, Future<? extends JsValue>, String, Future<? extends JsValue>, String, Future<? extends JsValue>, String, Future<? extends JsValue>) - Method in class actors.future.JsObjFuture
of(String, Future<? extends JsValue>, String, Future<? extends JsValue>, String, Future<? extends JsValue>, String, Future<? extends JsValue>, String, Future<? extends JsValue>, String, Future<? extends JsValue>, String, Future<? extends JsValue>, String, Future<? extends JsValue>, String, Future<? extends JsValue>) - Method in class actors.future.JsObjFuture
of(String, Future<? extends JsValue>, String, Future<? extends JsValue>, String, Future<? extends JsValue>, String, Future<? extends JsValue>, String, Future<? extends JsValue>, String, Future<? extends JsValue>, String, Future<? extends JsValue>, String, Future<? extends JsValue>, String, Future<? extends JsValue>, String, Future<? extends JsValue>) - Method in class actors.future.JsObjFuture
of(String, Future<? extends JsValue>, String, Future<? extends JsValue>, String, Future<? extends JsValue>, String, Future<? extends JsValue>, String, Future<? extends JsValue>, String, Future<? extends JsValue>, String, Future<? extends JsValue>, String, Future<? extends JsValue>, String, Future<? extends JsValue>, String, Future<? extends JsValue>, String, Future<? extends JsValue>) - Method in class actors.future.JsObjFuture
of(JsPath, Future<? extends JsValue>) - Method in class actors.future.JsObjFuture
of(JsPath, Future<? extends JsValue>, JsPath, Future<? extends JsValue>) - Method in class actors.future.JsObjFuture
of(JsPath, Future<? extends JsValue>, JsPath, Future<? extends JsValue>, JsPath, Future<? extends JsValue>) - Method in class actors.future.JsObjFuture
of(JsPath, Future<? extends JsValue>, JsPath, Future<? extends JsValue>, JsPath, Future<? extends JsValue>, JsPath, Future<? extends JsValue>) - Method in class actors.future.JsObjFuture
of(JsPath, Future<? extends JsValue>, JsPath, Future<? extends JsValue>, JsPath, Future<? extends JsValue>, JsPath, Future<? extends JsValue>, JsPath, Future<? extends JsValue>) - Method in class actors.future.JsObjFuture
of(JsPath, Future<? extends JsValue>, JsPath, Future<? extends JsValue>, JsPath, Future<? extends JsValue>, JsPath, Future<? extends JsValue>, JsPath, Future<? extends JsValue>, JsPath, Future<? extends JsValue>) - Method in class actors.future.JsObjFuture
of(JsPath, Future<? extends JsValue>, JsPath, Future<? extends JsValue>, JsPath, Future<? extends JsValue>, JsPath, Future<? extends JsValue>, JsPath, Future<? extends JsValue>, JsPath, Future<? extends JsValue>, JsPath, Future<? extends JsValue>) - Method in class actors.future.JsObjFuture
of(JsPath, Future<? extends JsValue>, JsPath, Future<? extends JsValue>, JsPath, Future<? extends JsValue>, JsPath, Future<? extends JsValue>, JsPath, Future<? extends JsValue>, JsPath, Future<? extends JsValue>, JsPath, Future<? extends JsValue>, JsPath, Future<? extends JsValue>) - Method in class actors.future.JsObjFuture
of(JsPath, Future<? extends JsValue>, JsPath, Future<? extends JsValue>, JsPath, Future<? extends JsValue>, JsPath, Future<? extends JsValue>, JsPath, Future<? extends JsValue>, JsPath, Future<? extends JsValue>, JsPath, Future<? extends JsValue>, JsPath, Future<? extends JsValue>, JsPath, Future<? extends JsValue>) - Method in class actors.future.JsObjFuture
of(JsPath, Future<? extends JsValue>, JsPath, Future<? extends JsValue>, JsPath, Future<? extends JsValue>, JsPath, Future<? extends JsValue>, JsPath, Future<? extends JsValue>, JsPath, Future<? extends JsValue>, JsPath, Future<? extends JsValue>, JsPath, Future<? extends JsValue>, JsPath, Future<? extends JsValue>, JsPath, Future<? extends JsValue>) - Method in class actors.future.JsObjFuture
of(JsPath, Future<? extends JsValue>, JsPath, Future<? extends JsValue>, JsPath, Future<? extends JsValue>, JsPath, Future<? extends JsValue>, JsPath, Future<? extends JsValue>, JsPath, Future<? extends JsValue>, JsPath, Future<? extends JsValue>, JsPath, Future<? extends JsValue>, JsPath, Future<? extends JsValue>, JsPath, Future<? extends JsValue>, JsPath, Future<? extends JsValue>) - Method in class actors.future.JsObjFuture
or(Supplier<Future<Boolean>>, Supplier<Future<Boolean>>...) - Static method in class actors.expresions.Conditions
otherwise(Supplier<Future<O>>) - Method in class actors.expresions.IfThenElse


pair(String, Future<JsValue>) - Static method in class actors.future.JsFuturePair
pair(JsPath, Future<JsValue>) - Static method in class actors.future.JsFuturePair


registerMessageCodecs(Vertx) - Method in class actors.ActorsModule
Overwrite this method to register all the message codecs if you want to send any non standard message across the event bus.


spawn(Consumer<Message<I>>) - Method in class actors.Actors
spawn(Consumer<Message<I>>, DeploymentOptions) - Method in class actors.Actors
spawn(Function<I, O>) - Method in class actors.Actors
spawn(Function<I, O>, DeploymentOptions) - Method in class actors.Actors
start(Promise<Void>) - Method in class actors.Actor
Register the given consumer listening on the given address.
start(Promise<Void>) - Method in class actors.ActorsModule
stop(Promise<Void>) - Method in class actors.Actor
Unregister the consumer listening on the give address that was created during the Actor.start(Promise) method.
systemCodecID() - Method in class actors.JsArrayValCodec
systemCodecID() - Method in class actors.JsObjValCodec


tell() - Method in class actors.ActorRef
Method to send a message to this actor.
tell(DeliveryOptions) - Method in class actors.ActorRef
Method to send a message to this actor.
then(Supplier<Future<O>>) - Method in class actors.expresions.IfThenElse
toActorRef(Object) - Method in class actors.ActorsModule
Call this method from the ActorsModule.defineActors(List) method to cast every object of the list into its real type ActorRef
transform(JsArray) - Method in class actors.JsArrayValCodec
transform(JsObj) - Method in class actors.JsObjValCodec


undeploy() - Method in class actors.ActorRef
Undeploy all the instances of this actor


when(Supplier<Future<Boolean>>) - Static method in class actors.expresions.Expressions
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