

package master

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. class AppMasterLauncher extends Actor

  2. trait AppMasterLauncherFactory extends AnyRef

  3. case class AppMasterRuntimeInfo(worker: ActorRef) extends AppMasterRegisterData with Product with Serializable

  4. case class ApplicationState(appId: Int, attemptId: Int, app: Application, jar: Option[AppJar], username: String, state: Any) extends Serializable with Product

    This state will be persisted across the masters.

  5. trait ClusterReplication extends Actor with Stash

  6. class InMemoryKVService extends Actor with Stash with ClusterReplication

  7. class MasterHAService extends Actor with Stash with ClusterReplication

  8. class MasterProxy extends Actor with Stash
