

package cluster

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. case class AppJar(name: String, container: JarFileContainer) extends Product with Serializable

  2. case class AppMasterContext(appId: Int, username: String, masterExecutorId: Int, resource: Resource, appJar: Option[AppJar], masterProxy: ActorRef, registerData: AppMasterRegisterData) extends AppMasterContextInterface with Product with Serializable

  3. trait AppMasterContextInterface extends AnyRef

    This belongs to the app submission interface, no method should be removed to remain compatible with old version.

  4. trait AppMasterRegisterData extends AnyRef

  5. trait Application extends AnyRef

    Subtype this for user defined application

  6. abstract class ApplicationExecutor extends Actor

    Used for verification

  7. abstract class ApplicationMaster extends Actor

    Used for verification

  8. case class BaseAppDescription(name: String, appMaster: String, conf: UserConfig) extends Application with Product with Serializable

  9. case class ExecutorContext(executorId: Int, workerId: Int, appId: Int, appMaster: ActorRef, resource: Resource) extends ExecutorContextInterface with Product with Serializable

  10. trait ExecutorContextInterface extends AnyRef

    This interface should keep stable, so that we can remain compatible with old versions

  11. case class ExecutorJVMConfig(classPath: Array[String], jvmArguments: Array[String], mainClass: String, arguments: Array[String], jar: Option[AppJar], username: String) extends Product with Serializable

    classPath: When a worker create a executor, the parent worker's classpath will be automatically inherited, the application jar will also be added to runtime classpath automatically.

    classPath: When a worker create a executor, the parent worker's classpath will be automatically inherited, the application jar will also be added to runtime classpath automatically. Sometimes, you still want to add some extraclasspath, you can do this by specify classPath option.

  12. class UserConfig extends Serializable

    Immutable configuration

Value Members

  1. object AppMasterToMaster

  2. object AppMasterToWorker

  3. object ClientToMaster

    Application Flow

  4. object ClusterConfig

  5. object MasterToAppMaster

  6. object MasterToClient

  7. object MasterToWorker

  8. object UserConfig extends Serializable

  9. object WorkerToAppMaster

  10. object WorkerToMaster

    Cluster Bootup Flow

  11. package appmaster

  12. package client

  13. package main

  14. package master

  15. package scheduler
