
  • package root
    Definition Classes
  • package parsley
    Definition Classes
  • package errors

    This package contains various functionality relating to the generation and formatting of error messages.

    This package contains various functionality relating to the generation and formatting of error messages.

    In particular, it includes a collection of combinators for improving error messages within the parser, including labelling and providing additional information. It also contains combinators that can be used to valid data produced by a parser, to ensure it conforms to expected invariances, producing good quality error messages if this is not the case. Finally, this package contains ways of changing the formatting of error messages: this can either be changing how the default String-based errors are formatted, or by injectiing Parsley's errors into a custom error object.

    Definition Classes
  • package expr

    This package contains various functionality relating to the parsing of expressions..

    This package contains various functionality relating to the parsing of expressions..

    This includes the "chain" combinators, which tackle the left-recursion problem and allow for the parsing and combining of operators with values. It also includes functionality for constructing larger precedence tables, which may even vary the type of each layer in the table, allowing for strongly-typed expression parsing.

    Definition Classes
  • package implicits

    This package contains various functionality that involve Scala's implicits mechanism.

    This package contains various functionality that involve Scala's implicits mechanism.

    This includes conversions from scala literals into parsers, as well as enabling new syntax on regular Scala values (such as Parsley's lift or zipped syntax). Automatic conversion to Parsley[Unit] is also supported within this package.

    Definition Classes
  • package token

    This package provides a wealth of functionality for performing common lexing tasks.

    This package provides a wealth of functionality for performing common lexing tasks.

    It is organised as follows:

    • the main parsing functionality is accessed via Lexer, which provides implementations for the combinators found in the sub-packages given a LexicalDesc.
    • the descriptions sub-package is how a lexical structure can be described, providing the configuration that alters the behaviour of the parsers produced by the Lexer.
    • the other sub-packages contain the high-level interfaces that the Lexer exposes, which can be used to pass whitespace-aware and non-whitespace-aware combinators around in a uniform way.
    • the predicate module contains functionality to help define boolean predicates on characters or unicode codepoints.
    Definition Classes
  • package descriptions

    This package contains the descriptions of various lexical structures to be fed to Lexer.

    This package contains the descriptions of various lexical structures to be fed to Lexer.



  • package errors
  • package names

    This package contains the abstract parsers for parsing identifiers and operators.

    This package contains the abstract parsers for parsing identifiers and operators.



  • package numeric

    This package contains the abstract parsers for parsing numeric literals, like integers and reals.

    This package contains the abstract parsers for parsing numeric literals, like integers and reals.



  • package symbol

    This package contains the abstract parsers for parsing symbolic tokens like keywords.

    This package contains the abstract parsers for parsing symbolic tokens like keywords.



  • package text

    This package contains the abstract parsers for parsing string and character literals.

    This package contains the abstract parsers for parsing string and character literals.



  • Lexer
  • predicate

package token

This package provides a wealth of functionality for performing common lexing tasks.

It is organised as follows:

  • the main parsing functionality is accessed via Lexer, which provides implementations for the combinators found in the sub-packages given a LexicalDesc.
  • the descriptions sub-package is how a lexical structure can be described, providing the configuration that alters the behaviour of the parsers produced by the Lexer.
  • the other sub-packages contain the high-level interfaces that the Lexer exposes, which can be used to pass whitespace-aware and non-whitespace-aware combinators around in a uniform way.
  • the predicate module contains functionality to help define boolean predicates on characters or unicode codepoints.
Linear Supertypes
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. token
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Package Members

  1. package descriptions

    This package contains the descriptions of various lexical structures to be fed to Lexer.

    This package contains the descriptions of various lexical structures to be fed to Lexer.



  2. package errors
  3. package names

    This package contains the abstract parsers for parsing identifiers and operators.

    This package contains the abstract parsers for parsing identifiers and operators.



  4. package numeric

    This package contains the abstract parsers for parsing numeric literals, like integers and reals.

    This package contains the abstract parsers for parsing numeric literals, like integers and reals.



  5. package symbol

    This package contains the abstract parsers for parsing symbolic tokens like keywords.

    This package contains the abstract parsers for parsing symbolic tokens like keywords.



  6. package text

    This package contains the abstract parsers for parsing string and character literals.

    This package contains the abstract parsers for parsing string and character literals.



Type Members

  1. class Lexer extends AnyRef

    This class provides a large selection of functionality concerned with lexing.

    This class provides a large selection of functionality concerned with lexing.

    This class provides lexing functionality to parsley, however it is guaranteed that nothing in this class is not implementable purely using parsley's pre-existing functionality. These are regular parsers, but constructed in such a way that they create a clear and logical separation from the rest of the parser.

    The class is broken up into several internal "modules" that group together similar kinds of functionality. Importantly, the lexemes and nonlexemes objects separate the underlying token implementations based on whether or not they consume whitespace or not. Functionality is broadly duplicated across both of these modules: lexemes should be used by a wider parser, to ensure whitespace is handled uniformly; and nonlexemes should be used to define further composite tokens or in special circumstances where whitespace should not be consumed.

    It is possible that some of the implementations of parsers found within this class may have been hand-optimised for performance: care will have been taken to ensure these implementations precisely match the semantics of the originals.


Value Members

  1. object predicate

    This module contains functionality to describe character predicates, which can be used to determine what characters are valid for different tokens.

    This module contains functionality to describe character predicates, which can be used to determine what characters are valid for different tokens.



Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
