
final class Store[F[_]](val all: F[Map[Key, String]], lookup: Key => F[Lookup], queryMap: Key => List[Key], keyNorm: Option[Key => Key])(implicit F: Applicative[F])
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

def apply(key: Key): F[Lookup]
def mapKeyQueries(f: Key => List[Key]): Store[F]

Expands each key query into multiple, and chooses the first that returns a result.

Expands each key query into multiple, and chooses the first that returns a result.

def mapValues(f: String => String): Store[F]
def mapValues(f: (Key, String) => String): Store[F]
def normaliseKeys(f: Key => Key): Store[F]
def trans[G[_] : Applicative](t: FunctionK[F, G]): Store[G]

Concrete fields

val all: F[Map[Key, String]]