
object MacroEnv
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Type members


final type ExprMap >: ([K, V] =>> ExprMap[K, V]) <: ([K, V] =>> ExprMap[K, V])
final type ExprSet >: ([A] =>> ExprSet[A]) <: ([A] =>> ExprSet[A])
final type Field >: Field <: Field
final type Init >: Init <: Init
final type TypedValDef >: ([A] =>> TypedValDef[A]) <: ([A] =>> TypedValDef[A])

Value members

Concrete methods

def fail(msg: String)(using Quotes): Nothing
def failNoStack(msg: String): Nothing



extension (q: Quotes)
inline def asType(self: TypeTree): Type[_ <: AnyKind]
def summon(self: TypeTree): Option[Expr[_]]
def summonOrError(self: TypeTree): Expr[_]
extension (q: Quotes)
def asConstant(self: Term): Constant
def simplify(self: Term): Term
extension (q: Quotes)
def getType(self: Symbol): Option[TypeRepr]
inline def needType(self: Symbol)(inline descType: String): TypeRepr
def needType(self: Symbol)(descType: Symbol => String): TypeRepr
def ownerPath(self: Symbol): List[Symbol]

Oldest returned first

Oldest returned first

extension (q: Quotes)
def asTypeTree(self: TypeRepr): TypeTree
def exists(self: TypeRepr): Boolean
def summon(self: TypeRepr): Option[Expr[_]]
def summonOrError(self: TypeRepr): Expr[_]
extension (self: Expr[(A, B, C, D) => Z])
def apply[A, B, C, D, Z](a: Expr[A], b: Expr[B], c: Expr[C], d: Expr[D])(using Quotes, Type[A], Type[B], Type[C], Type[D], Type[Z]): Expr[Z]
extension (self: Expr[F[A]])
inline def asExprOfF[F[_], A]: Expr[F[B]]
inline def asExprOfFAny[F[_], A]: Expr[F[Any]]
def castToF[F[_], A](using Quotes, Type[F], Type[A], Type[B]): Expr[F[B]]
def castToFAny[F[_], A](using Quotes, Type[F], Type[A]): Expr[F[Any]]
extension (self: Expr[(A, B) => Z])
def apply[A, B, Z](a: Expr[A], b: Expr[B])(using Quotes, Type[A], Type[B], Type[Z]): Expr[Z]
extension (self: Expr[A => Z])
def apply[A, Z](a: Expr[A])(using Quotes, Type[A], Type[Z]): Expr[Z]
extension (self: Expr[(A, B, C, D, E) => Z])
def apply[A, B, C, D, E, Z](a: Expr[A], b: Expr[B], c: Expr[C], d: Expr[D], e: Expr[E])(using Quotes, Type[A], Type[B], Type[C], Type[D], Type[E], Type[Z]): Expr[Z]
extension (self: Expr[A])
def castTo[A](using Quotes, Type[A], Type[B]): Expr[B]
def inlined[A](using Quotes, Type[A]): Expr[A]
def prepend[A](e: Expr[B])(using Quotes, Type[A], Type[B]): Expr[A]
def prependPrintln[A](msg: String)(using Quotes, Type[A]): Expr[A]
def prependPrintln[A](msg: Expr[String])(using Quotes, Type[A]): Expr[A]
def showType[A](using Quotes): String
def tapShow[A](using Quotes): Expr[A]
extension (self: Type[A])
def dealias[A](using Quotes): Type[A]
def summonOrError[A](using Quotes): Expr[A]
extension (self: Expr[(A, B, C) => Z])
def apply[A, B, C, Z](a: Expr[A], b: Expr[B], c: Expr[C])(using Quotes, Type[A], Type[B], Type[C], Type[Z]): Expr[Z]
extension (unused: Expr)
def inlineConst(value: Boolean)(using Quotes): Expr[Boolean]
def inlineConst(value: Byte)(using Quotes): Expr[Byte]
def inlineConst(value: Short)(using Quotes): Expr[Short]
def inlineConst(value: Int)(using Quotes): Expr[Int]
def inlineConst(value: Long)(using Quotes): Expr[Long]
def inlineConst(value: Float)(using Quotes): Expr[Float]
def inlineConst(value: Double)(using Quotes): Expr[Double]
def inlineConst(value: Char)(using Quotes): Expr[Char]
def inlineConst(value: String)(using Quotes): Expr[String]
def inlineConstNull(using Quotes): Expr[Null]
def inlineConstOrNull(s: String | Null)(using Quotes): Expr[String | Null]
def inlineConstUnit(using Quotes): Expr[Unit]
def summonLater(`evidence$1`: Type[A], Quotes): Expr[A]

Requires that macro be transparent.

Requires that macro be transparent.

def summonOrError(using Type[A])(using Quotes): Expr[A]


Defined exports

final def ExprMap: ExprMap
Exported from compiletime.ExprMap
final def ExprSet: ExprSet
Exported from compiletime.ExprSet
final def Fields: Fields
Exported from compiletime.Fields
final def Init: Init
Exported from compiletime.Init
final def `untypedValDef$default$4`(using q: Quotes): Flags