
final class NonEmptyVector[+A](val head: A, val tail: Vector[A])
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

def ++[B >: A](as: IterableOnce[B]): NonEmptyVector[B]
def ++[B >: A](b: NonEmptyVector[B]): NonEmptyVector[B]
def ++:[B >: A](as: Vector[B]): NonEmptyVector[B]
def +:[B >: A](a: B): NonEmptyVector[B]
def :+[B >: A](a: B): NonEmptyVector[B]
def apply(i: Int): Option[A]
override def equals(o: Any): Boolean
Definition Classes
def exists(f: A => Boolean): Boolean
def filter(f: A => Boolean): Option[NonEmptyVector[A]]
def filterNot(f: A => Boolean): Option[NonEmptyVector[A]]
def find(f: A => Boolean): Option[A]
def flatMap[B](f: A => NonEmptyVector[B]): NonEmptyVector[B]
def foldLeft[B](z: B)(f: (B, A) => B): B
def foldMapLeft1[B](g: A => B)(f: (B, A) => B): B
def forall(f: A => Boolean): Boolean
def foreach[U](f: A => U): Unit
def foreachWithIndex[U](f: (A, Int) => U): Unit
override def hashCode: Int
Definition Classes
def indices: Range
def init: Vector[A]
def initNonEmpty: Option[NonEmptyVector[A]]
def intercalate[B >: A](b: B): NonEmptyVector[B]
def intercalateF[B](b: B)(f: A => B): NonEmptyVector[B]
def iterator: Iterator[A]
def last: A
def length: Int
def map[B](f: A => B): NonEmptyVector[B]
def mapTail[B >: A](f: Vector[A] => Vector[B]): NonEmptyVector[B]
def mapToNES[B](f: A => B)(implicit evidence$1: UnivEq[B]): NonEmptySet[B]
def mapWithIndex[B](f: (A, Int) => B): NonEmptyVector[B]
def mkString(start: String, sep: String, end: String): String
def mkString(sep: String): String
def mkString: String
def partitionB(f: A => Boolean): (NonEmptyVector[A], Vector[A])
def partitionD[B, C](f: A => Either[B, C]): Either[(NonEmptyVector[B], Vector[C]), (Vector[B], NonEmptyVector[C])]
def peelFromEnd: Iterator[NonEmptyVector[A]]

Peels away elements from the end until there are no elements left.

Peels away elements from the end until there are no elements left.


NonEmptyVector(2,4,6,8) will yield

NonEmptyVector(2,4,6,8) NonEmptyVector(2,4,6) NonEmptyVector(2,4) NonEmptyVector(2)

def reduce[B >: A](f: (B, B) => B): B
def reduceMapLeft1[B](f: A => B)(g: (B, B) => B): B
def sortBy[B](f: A => B)(implicit ord: Ordering[B]): NonEmptyVector[A]
def sortWith(lt: (A, A) => Boolean): NonEmptyVector[A]
def sorted[B >: A](implicit ord: Ordering[B]): NonEmptyVector[A]
def tailNonEmpty: Option[NonEmptyVector[A]]
def to[B](factory: Factory[A, B]): B
def toNES[B >: A](implicit evidence$2: UnivEq[B]): NonEmptySet[B]
override def toString: String
Definition Classes
def unsafeApply(i: Int): A
def whole: Vector[A]

Concrete fields

val head: A
val tail: Vector[A]