
package utils

Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. utils
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Type Members

  1. final class BiMap[A, B] extends AnyRef

    Bidirectional maps between values of two key types.

    Bidirectional maps between values of two key types.



  2. trait EqualsByRef extends AnyRef

    Implements .equals using reference equality

  3. trait Platform extends AnyRef
  4. final class Ref[A <: AnyRef] extends AnyRef

    Wraps a value such that reference equality holds.

    Wraps a value such that reference equality holds.

    Allows values to be used as map-keys, in sets, etc with uniqueness being by reference.

  5. trait SafeBool[B <: SafeBool[B]] extends Product with Serializable

    Boolean isomorphism.

    Boolean isomorphism.

    Mix into the base type and override this.companion there.


    sealed trait Enabled extends SafeBool[Enabled] {
      override final def companion = Enabled
    case object Enabled extends Enabled with SafeBool.Object[Enabled] {
      override def positive = Enabled
      override def negative = Disabled
    case object Disabled extends Enabled
    sealed abstract class Permission extends SafeBool.WithBoolOps[Permission] {
      override final def companion = Permission
    case object Allow extends Permission
    case object Deny extends Permission
    object Permission extends SafeBool.Object[Permission] {
      override def positive = Allow
      override def negative = Deny

Value Members

  1. val Platform: Platform
  2. object AsciiTable

    Taken from

  3. object BiMap
  4. object ConciseIntSetFormat

    Format a set of ints into a concise textual description.

    Format a set of ints into a concise textual description.

    Example: "2, 5, 7-14, 20"

  5. object EqualsByRef
  6. object Memo
  7. object PlatformJS extends Platform
  8. object Ref
  9. object SafeBool extends Serializable
  10. object StaticLookupFn

    Fast, efficient lookup functions for static data.

    Fast, efficient lookup functions for static data.

    Creation verifies key uniqueness and throws runtime exceptions on failure.

  11. object Utils

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
