
object Eval
trait Product
trait Mirror
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Type members


final class EqualB[A](name: String, a: A)


type Failures = Multimap[FailureReason, List, List[Eval]]

Inherited types

type MirroredElemLabels <: Tuple

The names of the product elements

The names of the product elements

Inherited from:
type MirroredLabel <: String

The name of the type

The name of the type

Inherited from:

Value members

Concrete methods

def allPresent[B, C](name: => String, input: Any, required: Set[B], testData: => IterableOnce[C])(implicit ev: B <:< C): EvalL

Test that all Bs are present in Cs.

Test that all Bs are present in Cs.

def assert(l: => EvalL): Unit
def atom(name: => String, input: Any, failure: FailureReasonO): EvalL
def blacklist[B, C](name: => String, input: Any, blacklist: Set[B], testData: => IterableOnce[C])(implicit ev: C <:< B): EvalL

Test that no Cs are on a blacklist.

Test that no Cs are on a blacklist.

def distinct[A](name: => String, input: Any, as: Iterable[A]): EvalL
def distinctI[A](name: => String, input: Any, as: Iterator[A]): EvalL
def distinctName(name: => String): String
def either[A](name: => String, input: Any, data: Either[String, A])(f: A => EvalL): EvalL
def equal[A : Eq](name: => String, input: Any, actual: A, expect: A): EvalL
def equal[A](name: => String, a: A): EqualB[A]
def fail(name: => String, reason: String, input: Any): EvalL
def forall[F[_] : Foldable, B](input: Any, fb: F[B])(each: B => EvalL): EvalL
def pass(name: String, input: Any): EvalL
def run(l: Logic[Eval_, _]): Eval
def test(name: => String, input: Any, t: Boolean): EvalL
def whitelist[B, C](name: => String, input: Any, whitelist: Set[B], testData: => IterableOnce[C])(implicit ev: C <:< B): EvalL

Test that all Cs are on a whitelist.

Test that all Cs are on a whitelist.



implicit val evalInstances: Contravariant[Eval_]