Class TryStmt

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    NodeWithRange<Node>, NodeWithTokenRange<Node>, Observable, Visitable, HasParentNode<Node>, Cloneable

    public final class TryStmt
    extends Statement

    The try statement

    Java 1.0-6

     try {
     // ...
     } catch (IOException e) {
     // ...
     } finally {
     // ...
    In this code, "// do things" is the content of the tryBlock, there is one catch clause that catches IOException e, and there is a finally block.

    The catch and finally blocks are optional, but they should not be empty at the same time.

    Java 7-8

     try (InputStream i = new FileInputStream("file")) {
     // ...
     } catch (IOException|NullPointerException e) {
     // ...
     } finally {
     // ...
    Java 7 introduced two things:
    • Resources can be specified after "try", but only variable declarations (VariableDeclarationExpr.)
    • A single catch can catch multiple exception types. This uses the IntersectionType.

    Java 9+

     try (r) {
     // ...
     } catch (IOException|NullPointerException e) {
     // ...
     } finally {
     // ...
    Java 9 finishes resources: you can now refer to a resource that was declared somewhere else. The following types are allowed:
    • VariableDeclarationExpr: "X x = new X()" like in Java 7-8.
    • NameExpr: "a".
    • FieldAccessExpr: "x.y.z", "super.test" etc.
    Julio Vilmar Gesser
    See Also:
    CatchClause, IntersectionType, FieldAccessExpr, NameExpr