

package jsonRpc

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Type Members

  1. class CircularArrayBuffer[A] extends Seq[A]

    A data structure that provides O(1) get, update, length, append, prepend, clear, trimStart and trimRight

  2. class JVMMessageReader extends MessageReader with LazyLogging

    A Language Server message Reader.

    A Language Server message Reader. It expects the following format:

    <Header> '\r\n' <Content>

    Header := FieldName ':' FieldValue '\r\n'

    Currently there are two defined header fields: - 'Content-Length' in bytes (required) - 'Content-Type' (string), defaults to 'application/vscode-jsonrpc; charset=utf8'


    The header part is defined to be ASCII encoded, while the content part is UTF8.

  3. class JVMMessageWriter extends MessageWriter with LazyLogging

    A class to write Json RPC messages on an output stream, following the Language Server Protocol.

    A class to write Json RPC messages on an output stream, following the Language Server Protocol. It produces the following format:

    <Header> '\r\n' <Content>

    Header := FieldName ':' FieldValue '\r\n'

    Currently there are two defined header fields: - 'Content-Length' in bytes (required) - 'Content-Type' (string), defaults to 'application/vscode-jsonrpc; charset=utf8'


    The header part is defined to be ASCII encoded, while the content part is UTF8.

  4. class JVMQueue[Item] extends SerialWorkQueue[Item]
  5. class JsonRpcConnection extends LazyLogging
  6. trait JsonRpcHandler extends AnyRef
  7. class LSPServer extends SharedLSPServer
  8. abstract class MessagePreprocessor extends JsonRpcHandler with LazyLogging
  9. trait MessageReader extends AnyRef
  10. trait MessageWriter extends AnyRef
  11. class MethodBasedJsonRpcHandler extends JsonRpcHandler with LazyLogging
  12. case class Notification(notification: JsonRpcNotificationMessage) extends WorkItem with Product with Serializable
  13. case class Request(request: JsonRpcRequestMessage, result: Promise[JsonRpcResponseMessage]) extends WorkItem with Product with Serializable
  14. trait SerialWorkQueue[Item] extends AnyRef

    A asynchronous queue that executes work serially

  15. trait WorkItem extends AnyRef

Value Members

  1. object MessageReader
  2. object MethodBasedJsonRpcHandler
