
  • package root

    Provided herein is API documentation for Scamper, the HTTP library for Scala.

  • package scamper

    Defines core types.

    Defines core types.

    HTTP Messages

    At the core of Scamper is HttpMessage, which is a trait that defines the fundamental characteristics of an HTTP message. HttpRequest and HttpResponse extend the specification to define characteristics specific to their respective message types.

    An HttpRequest is created using a factory method defined in its companion object. Or you can start with a RequestMethod and use builder methods to further define the request.

    import scamper.Header
    import scamper.Implicits.stringToUri
    import scamper.RequestMethod.Registry.Get
    val request = Get("/motd").withHeaders(
      Header("Host: localhost:8080"),
      Header("Accept: text/plain")
    printf("Request Method: %s%n", request.method)
    printf("Target URI: %s%n",
    val host: Option[String] = request.getHeaderValue("Host")

    An HttpResponse is created using a factory method defined in its companion object. Or you can start with a ResponseStatus and use builder methods to further define the response.

    import scamper.{ BodyParser, Header }
    import scamper.Implicits.stringToEntity
    import scamper.ResponseStatus.Registry.Ok
    val response = Ok("There is an answer.").withHeaders(
      Header("Content-Type: text/plain"),
      Header("Connection: close")
    printf("Status Code: %s%n", response.statusCode)
    printf("Reason Phrase: %s%n", response.reasonPhrase)
    val contentType: Option[String] = response.getHeaderValue("Content-Type")
    implicit val parser = BodyParser.text()
    printf("Body: %s%n",[String])

root package

package root

Provided herein is API documentation for Scamper, the HTTP library for Scala.
