
case object CacheDirectives

Provides registered cache directives.

trait Singleton
trait Product
trait Mirror
trait Serializable
trait Product
trait Equals
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Type members


case object `private` extends CacheDirective

Cache directive for private.

Cache directive for private.

case object immutable extends CacheDirective

Cache directive for immutable.

Cache directive for immutable.

final case class max-age(seconds: Long) extends CacheDirective

Cache directive for max-age.

Cache directive for max-age.

final case class max-stale(seconds: Long) extends CacheDirective

Cache directive for max-stale.

Cache directive for max-stale.

final case class min-fresh(seconds: Long) extends CacheDirective

Cache directive for min-fresh.

Cache directive for min-fresh.

case object must-revalidate extends CacheDirective

Cache directive for must-revalidate.

Cache directive for must-revalidate.

case object no-cache extends CacheDirective

Cache directive for no-cache.

Cache directive for no-cache.

case object no-store extends CacheDirective

Cache directive for no-store.

Cache directive for no-store.

case object no-transform extends CacheDirective

Cache directive for no-transform.

Cache directive for no-transform.

case object only-if-cached extends CacheDirective

Cache directive for only-if-cached.

Cache directive for only-if-cached.

case object proxy-revalidate extends CacheDirective

Cache directive for proxy-revalidate.

Cache directive for proxy-revalidate.

case object public extends CacheDirective

Cache directive for public.

Cache directive for public.

final case class s-maxage(seconds: Long) extends CacheDirective

Cache directive for s-maxage.

Cache directive for s-maxage.

final case class stale-if-error(seconds: Long) extends CacheDirective

Cache directive for stale-if-error.

Cache directive for stale-if-error.

final case class stale-while-revalidate(seconds: Long) extends CacheDirective

Cache directive for stale-while-revalidate.

Cache directive for stale-while-revalidate.

Inherited types

type MirroredElemLabels = EmptyTuple
Inherited from
type MirroredElemTypes = EmptyTuple
Inherited from
type MirroredLabel <: String

The name of the type

The name of the type

Inherited from
type MirroredMonoType = Singleton
Inherited from
type MirroredType = Singleton
Inherited from

Value members

Inherited methods

def fromProduct(p: Product): MirroredMonoType
Inherited from
def productElementNames: Iterator[String]
Inherited from
def productIterator: Iterator[Any]
Inherited from