Interface Path

  • All Known Implementing Classes:
    BasicPath, SingleBrowserPath

    public interface Path
    The heart of DollarX is the definition of Paths that represent W3C elements, whether in the browser or in a document. Path describes an element, or elements, using API that emulates regular description in English, and can represent almost any element that can be expressed as the XPATH. Path is immutable - any additional constraint creates a new Path instance and does not change the original one. It is important to remember that defining new Paths is very cheap, since it does not interact with the browser. For example, in selenium, if we want to define a WebElement inside another WebElement, it must involve interaction with the browser (which involves potential race conditions):
       WebElement wrapper = driver.findElement(By.cssSelector(""));
       WebElement field = wrapper.findElement(By.cssSelector(".bar"));
    In DollarX it will look like:
       final Path wrapper = element.withClass("foo");
       final Path field = element.withClass("bad").inside(wrapper);

    Several points to note:


    1. Once defined, Path values are final and can be reused without cost, as opposed to functions.

    2. Creating arbitrarily complex Path is easy this way. It is far more maintainable than using explicit xpath.

    3. Creating Paths has nothing to do with the browser.

    4. The API offers many alternative ways to define equivalent Paths. The guideline is: If it means the same in English, it is mapped to an equivalent Path. For example, the following are equivalent:

         // if you prefer to break the definition to two steps:
         Path condition = element.withClass("condition");

    5. Path::toString returns a string that reads like english and expresses exactly the definition of the path. This is very useful when troubleshooting.

    6. To check what is the xpath a Path is mapped to, call path.getXpath().get()

    7. Since it can be used as a wrapper of Selenium WebElement, you are not tied to using only DollarX - but can use it interchangeably with straight Selenium WebDriver.

    The pattern in DollarX is to define exactly what you want to interact with or assert, as a Path, and then interact with the browser. This maximizes atomicity and performance, and avoid many of the pitfalls involved with interactions with a dynamic SPA. The standard implementation for Path is BasicPath.
    • Method Detail

      • getUnderlyingSource

        Optional<org.openqa.selenium.WebElement> getUnderlyingSource()
        The WebElement that is used as the underlying reference for the Path. In most cases, this Optional is empty.
      • getDescribedBy

        Optional<String> getDescribedBy()
        optional readable functional description of the Path
      • getXPath

        Optional<String> getXPath()
        The Optional xpath is maps to. Note that the prefix that marks it is inside the document (for example; "//" as the prefix of the xpath) can be omitted. This is not a concern - it will be added automatically by DollarX when interacting with the browser.
        an optional containing the xpath this Path is mapped to. The optional is empty only in case it is used as a wrapper of a WebElement (not the typical case).
      • getAlternateXPath

        Optional<String> getAlternateXPath()
        Should not be used unless you are developing for DollarX.
      • getElementProperties

        List<ElementProperty> getElementProperties()
        Should not be typically used, unless you are developing for DollarX
      • describedBy

        Path describedBy​(String description)
        A useful method to give a readable description to the path, for example: Suppose that instead of describing it's DOM positions and attributes, you prefer to describe it as "search result". Then you'd call: searchResult = myElement.describedBy("search result"); Now, calling System.out.println(firstOccurrenceOf(searchResult)), will print: "first occurrence of search result" This will replace its toString() result.
        description - a readable description to that expresses the functionality of the path
        a new Path similar to the old one but that is described by the given description
      • insideTopLevel

        Path insideTopLevel()
        Returns an element that is explicitly inside the document. This is usually not needed - it will be added implicitly when needed.
        a new Path
      • or

        Path or​(Path path)
        match more than a single path. Example: div.or(span) - matches both div and span
        path - the alternative path to match
        returns a new path that matches both the original one and the given parameter
      • that

        Path that​(ElementProperty... prop)
        returns a path with the provided properties. For example: div.that(hasText("abc"), hasClass("foo"));
        prop - - one or more properties. See ElementProperties documentation for details
        a new path with the added constraints
      • withText

        Path withText​(String txt)
        Element with text equals (ignoring case) to txt. Equivalent to path.that(hasText(txt))
        txt - - the text to equal to, ignoring case
        a new Path with the added constraint
      • inside

        Path inside​(Path path)
        Element that is inside another element
        path - - the containing element
        a new Path with the added constraint
      • afterSibling

        Path afterSibling​(Path path)
        The element is a sibling of the given path, and appears after it
        path - - the sibling element that appears before
        a new Path with the added constraint
      • immediatelyAfterSibling

        Path immediatelyAfterSibling​(Path path)
        The sibling right before the element matches the given path parameter
        path - - the sibling element that appears after
        a new path with the added constraint
      • after

        Path after​(Path path)
        The element appears after the given path
        path - - the element that appear before
        a new Path with the added constraint
      • beforeSibling

        Path beforeSibling​(Path path)
        The element is a sibling of the given path, and appears before it
        path - - the sibling element that appears after
        a new Path with the added constraint
      • immediatelyBeforeSibling

        Path immediatelyBeforeSibling​(Path path)
        The sibling right after the element matches the given path parameter
        path - - the sibling element that appears after
        a new path with the added constraint
      • before

        Path before​(Path path)
        The element appears before the given path
        path - - the element that appear after
        a new Path with the added constraint
      • childOf

        Path childOf​(Path path)
        The element is a direct child of the given path
        path - - the parent element
        a new Path with the added constraint
      • parentOf

        Path parentOf​(Path path)
        The element is a parent of the given path
        path - - the child element
        a new Path with the added constraint
      • containing

        Path containing​(Path path)
        The element contains the given path, i.e. the given path parameter is inside the element
        path - - the element that is inside our element
        a new Path with the added constraint
      • contains

        Path contains​(Path path)
        The element contains the given path, i.e. the given path parameter is inside the element
        path - - the element that is inside our element
        a new Path with the added constraint
      • ancestorOf

        Path ancestorOf​(Path path)
        The element contains the given path, i.e. the given path parameter is inside the element
        path - - the element that is inside our element
        a new Path with the added constraint
      • descendantOf

        Path descendantOf​(Path path)
        The element is contained in the given path element, i.e. the given path parameter is wrapping it
        path - - the element that is wrapping our element
        a new Path with the added constraint
      • withGlobalIndex

        Path withGlobalIndex​(Integer index)
        Return the nth occurrence of the element in the entire document. Count starts at 1. The following expressions are equivalent: occurrenceNumber(4).of(myElement)); myElement.withGlobalIndex(4); Return the nth occurrence of the element in the entire document. Count starts at 1. For example: occurrenceNumber(3).of(listItem)
        index - the number of occurrence
        a new Path with the added constraint
      • withClass

        Path withClass​(String cssClass)
        The element has the given class name
        cssClass - the class name
        a new Path with the added constraint
      • withClasses

        Path withClasses​(String... cssClasses)
        The element has the given class names
        cssClasses - the class names
        a new Path with the added constraint
      • withTextContaining

        Path withTextContaining​(String txt)
        The element has text, containing the given txt parameter. The match is case insensitive.
        txt - the text to match to
        a new Path with the added constraint