



package akkaboot

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. abstract class Application[C <: Configuration] extends StrictLogging
  2. case class Environment(routes: List[ScalaRouteBuilder], healthChecks: HealthCheckRegistry, metrics: MetricRegistry, system: ActorSystem, apiMaterializer: Materializer, apiDispatcher: ExecutionContext, httpClient: HttpClient) extends Product with Serializable
  3. trait Message extends AnyRef

  4. class PerRequestActor extends Actor with StrictLogging
  5. abstract class ScalaRouteBuilder extends Directives with JacksonSupport with StrictLogging

    Simplifies creation of Akka HTTP routes.

    Simplifies creation of Akka HTTP routes. Ensures that all implicit dependencies are available which in practice is one of the most challenging pieces of working with Akka HTTP for new developers. Extends Directives so you don't need to add any imports to your code to use the routing DSL.

Value Members

  1. object Application
  2. object Environment extends Serializable
  3. object JSON
  4. object PerRequestActor
  5. object Routes
