
object ProxySupport

A module defining functionality related to proxy support for actors sending HTTP(S) requests.

Proxies are enabled by passing a special ''ProxySelectorFunc'' to the ''apply()'' function of HttpRequestSender. The function then installs a proxy based on the URL to be used by the actor. This module defines a couple of default proxy selector functions.


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Self type

Members list

Type members


case class ProxySpec(address: InetSocketAddress, credentials: Option[HttpCredentials])

A class describing a proxy connection to be used when sending HTTP(S) requests.

A class describing a proxy connection to be used when sending HTTP(S) requests.

Value parameters


the address of the proxy server


optional credentials to authenticate against the proxy


trait Serializable
trait Product
trait Equals
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
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type ProxySelectorFunc = Uri => Option[ProxySpec]

A function to select a specific proxy server based on a request URI. The function is passed the URI and returns an ''Option'' with the ProxySpec to use for this URI. A return value of ''None'' indicates a direct internet connection.

A function to select a specific proxy server based on a request URI. The function is passed the URI and returns an ''Option'' with the ProxySpec to use for this URI. A return value of ''None'' indicates a direct internet connection.


Value members

Concrete methods

Returns a ''ProxySelectorFunc'' that always returns the provided ''ProxySpec'', independent on the request URI. This selector function therefore routes all requests over this proxy.

Returns a ''ProxySelectorFunc'' that always returns the provided ''ProxySpec'', independent on the request URI. This selector function therefore routes all requests over this proxy.

Value parameters


the ''ProxySpec'' defining the proxy connection



a selector function using this proxy

Concrete fields

Constant for a ''ProxySelectorFunc'' that never returns a ProxySpec. So this function enforces a direct internet connection.

Constant for a ''ProxySelectorFunc'' that never returns a ProxySpec. So this function enforces a direct internet connection.


Constant for a ''ProxySelectorFunc'' that adheres to the proxy settings defined for the current JVM. This function queries the default ''ProxySelector'' for the passed in URI and constructs a ''ProxySpec'' based on the result.

Constant for a ''ProxySelectorFunc'' that adheres to the proxy settings defined for the current JVM. This function queries the default ''ProxySelector'' for the passed in URI and constructs a ''ProxySpec'' based on the result.
