


package shared

Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. shared
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. sealed trait ApiElement extends AnyRef
  2. trait ApiOp extends AnyRef
  3. trait ApiTransformer extends AnyRef

    Tranforms API type shape into five distinct types:

    Tranforms API type shape into five distinct types:

    • El: elements of the API (path elements, segment/query/header input placeholder, etc.)
    • KIn: expected input key types (from parameters)
    • VIn: expected input value types (from parameters)
    • M: method type
    • Out: output type

    val api: TypeCarrier[Get[Json, Foo] :: Segment["name".type, String] :: "find".type :: HNil] val trans: ("name".type :: SegmentInput :: HNil, "name".type :: HNil, String :: HNil], Field[Json, GetCall], Foo)

  4. final case class ApiTypeCarrier[H <: HList]() extends Product with Serializable

    Specific TypeCarrier for complete API types.

  5. sealed trait ClientHeader[K, V] extends ApiOp
  6. sealed trait ClientHeaderElement[K, V] extends ApiElement

    Type-container providing the name (singleton) and value type for a static header element only used for the client.

  7. sealed trait ClientHeaderInput extends ApiOp
  8. sealed trait ClientHeaderParam[K, V] extends ApiElement

    Type-container providing the name (singleton) and value type for a header parameter only used for the client.

  9. final case class CompositionCons[H <: HList]() extends Product with Serializable

    Specific TypeCarrier for multiple API types.

  10. sealed trait DeleteCall extends MethodType
  11. sealed trait DeleteElement[MT <: MediaType, A] extends MethodElement

    Type-container representing a DELETE operation with a media-type and value type for the result.

  12. sealed trait FixedHeader[K, V] extends ApiOp
  13. sealed trait FixedHeaderElement[K, V] extends ApiElement

    Type-container providing the name (singleton) and value type for a static header element.

  14. sealed trait GetCall extends MethodType
  15. sealed trait GetElement[MT <: MediaType, A] extends MethodElement

    Type-container representing a GET operation with a media-type and value type for the result.

  16. sealed trait HeaderInput extends ApiOp
  17. final case class HeaderListBuilder[H <: HList]() extends Product with Serializable

    Typecarrier to construct a set of headers from HeaderParams, FixedHeaderElements, ClientHeaderElements, ServerHeaderSendElements and [ServerHeaderMatchParam]]s.

  18. sealed trait HeaderParam[K, V] extends ApiElement

    Type-container providing the name (singleton) and value type for a header parameter.

  19. trait MediaType extends AnyRef
  20. trait MediaTypes extends AnyRef
  21. trait MethodElement extends ApiElement
  22. trait MethodToReqBody[M <: MethodElement, MT <: MediaType, Bd] extends AnyRef
    @implicitNotFound( ... )
  23. trait MethodToReqBodyLowPrio extends AnyRef
  24. trait MethodToString[M <: MethodType] extends AnyRef

    Transforms a MethodType to a String.

    Transforms a MethodType to a String.

    @implicitNotFound( ... )
  25. trait MethodToStringLowPrio extends AnyRef
  26. trait MethodType extends ApiOp
  27. final class PairTypeFromWitnessKey[F[_, _], V] extends AnyRef

    Derive a TypeCarrier from a type parameter and a singleton type.

  28. final class PairTypeFromWitnesses[F[_, _]] extends AnyRef

    Derive a TypeCarrier from two singleton types.

  29. sealed trait PathElement[P] extends AnyRef

    Type-container providing the singleton-type of an static path element

  30. final case class PathListBuilder[P <: HList]() extends Product with Serializable

    Typecarrier to construct a complete path description from PathElements and SegmentParams.

  31. sealed trait PostCall extends MethodType
  32. sealed trait PostElement[MT <: MediaType, A] extends MethodElement

    Type-container representing a POST operation with a media-type and value type for the result.

  33. sealed trait PostWithBodyCall extends MethodType
  34. sealed trait PostWithBodyElement[BMT <: MediaType, Bd, MT <: MediaType, A] extends MethodElement

    Type-container representing a POST operation with a media-type and value type for the result and a body.

  35. sealed trait PutCall extends MethodType
  36. sealed trait PutElement[MT <: MediaType, A] extends MethodElement

    Type-container representing a PUT operation with a media-type and value type for the result.

  37. sealed trait PutWithBodyCall extends MethodType
  38. sealed trait PutWithBodyElement[BMT <: MediaType, Bd, MT <: MediaType, A] extends MethodElement

    Type-container representing a PUT operation with a media-type and value type for the result and a body.

  39. sealed trait QueryInput extends ApiOp
  40. final case class QueryListBuilder[Q <: HList]() extends Product with Serializable

    Typecarrier to construct a set of queries from QueryParams.

  41. sealed trait QueryParam[K, V] extends ApiElement

    Type-container providing the name (singleton) and value type for a query parameter.

  42. sealed trait ReqBodyElement[MT <: MediaType, A] extends ApiElement

    Type-container providing the media-type and value type for a request body.

  43. sealed trait SegmentInput extends ApiOp
  44. sealed trait SegmentParam[K, V] extends ApiElement

    Type-container providing the name (singleton) and value type for a path parameter.

  45. sealed trait ServerHeaderMatchInput extends ApiOp
  46. sealed trait ServerHeaderMatchParam[K, V] extends ApiElement

    Type-container providing the name (singleton) and value type describing a sub-string headers have to match only used for the server.

  47. sealed trait ServerHeaderSend[K, V] extends ApiOp
  48. sealed trait ServerHeaderSendElement[K, V] extends ApiElement

    Type-container providing the name (singleton) and value type for a static header element sent by server.

  49. final case class TypeCarrier[A]() extends Product with Serializable

    As the name says this case class is only there it pass types around on the value level.

  50. sealed trait TypeLevelFoldFunction[In, Agg] extends AnyRef

    Reimplements shapeles Case2 but on the type level (no real HList instance).

    Reimplements shapeles Case2 but on the type level (no real HList instance).

    @implicitNotFound( ... )
  51. sealed trait TypeLevelFoldLeft[H <: HList, Agg] extends Serializable

    Reimplements shapeless LeftFolder but on the type level (no real HList instance)

    Reimplements shapeless LeftFolder but on the type level (no real HList instance)

    @implicitNotFound( ... )
  52. trait TypeLevelFoldLeftList[H <: HList] extends AnyRef

    Helper to work on a composition of HLists we want to fold over.

    Helper to work on a composition of HLists we want to fold over.

    @implicitNotFound( ... )
  53. trait TypeLevelFoldLeftListLowPrio extends AnyRef
  54. trait TypeLevelFoldLeftLowPrio extends AnyRef
  55. sealed trait WitnessToString[K] extends AnyRef
    @implicitNotFound( ... )
  56. trait WitnessToStringLowPrio extends AnyRef

Value Members

  1. final val BodyField: Aux[@@[Symbol, String("body")]]
  2. final val RawHeadersField: Aux[@@[Symbol, String("rawHeaders")]]
  3. object TypeLevelFoldFunction
  4. object TypeLevelFoldLeft extends Serializable
  5. object TypeLevelFoldLeftList

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
