
final class JsoniterScalaCodec(maxDepth: Int, initialSize: Int, doSerialize: Json => Boolean, numberParser: JsonReader => Json) extends JsonValueCodec[Json]
trait JsonValueCodec[Json]
trait Serializable
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

override def decodeValue(in: JsonReader, default: Json): Json

Attempts to decode a value of type A from the specified JsonReader, but may fail with JsonReaderException error if the JSON input does not encode a value of this type.

Attempts to decode a value of type A from the specified JsonReader, but may fail with JsonReaderException error if the JSON input does not encode a value of this type.

Value parameters:

the placeholder value provided to initialize some possible local variables


an instance of JsonReader which provide an access to the JSON input to parse a JSON value to value of type A

Definition Classes
override def encodeValue(x: Json, out: JsonWriter): Unit

Encodes the specified value using provided JsonWriter, but may fail with JsonWriterException if it cannot be encoded properly according to RFC-8259 requirements.

Encodes the specified value using provided JsonWriter, but may fail with JsonWriterException if it cannot be encoded properly according to RFC-8259 requirements.

Value parameters:

an instance of JsonWriter which provides access to JSON output to serialize the specified value as a JSON value


the value provided for serialization

Definition Classes

Concrete fields

override val nullValue: Json

Returns some placeholder value that will be used by the high level code that generates codec instances to initialize local variables for parsed field values which have a codec that was injected using implicit val.

Returns some placeholder value that will be used by the high level code that generates codec instances to initialize local variables for parsed field values which have a codec that was injected using implicit val.

See the jsoniter-scala-macros sub-project code and its tests for usages of .nullValue calls.