package io.circe
Members list
Type members
object JsoniterScalaCodec
- Companion
- class
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Self type
final class JsoniterScalaCodec(maxDepth: Int, initialSize: Int, doSerialize: Json => Boolean, numberParser: JsonReader => Json, numberSerializer: (JsonWriter, JsonNumber) => Unit) extends JsonValueCodec[Json]
A JSON value codec that parses and serialize to/from circe's JSON AST.
A JSON value codec that parses and serialize to/from circe's JSON AST.
Value parameters
- doSerialize
a predicate that determines whether a value should be serialized
- initialSize
the initial size hint for object and array collections
- maxDepth
the maximum depth for decoding
- numberParser
a function that parses JSON numbers
- numberSerializer
a function that serializes JSON numbers
- Returns
The JSON codec
- Companion
- object
- Supertypes
trait JsonValueCodec[Json]trait Serializableclass Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
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