
package error

Type Members

  1. final case class NoValidCoproductChoiceFound(value: ConfigValue) extends FailureReason with Product with Serializable

    A failure reason given when a valid choice for a coproduct cannot be found.

    A failure reason given when a valid choice for a coproduct cannot be found.


    the ConfigValue that was unable to be mapped to a coproduct choice

  2. final case class UnexpectedValueForFieldCoproductHint(value: ConfigValue) extends FailureReason with Product with Serializable

    A failure reason given when an unknown value was found in the discriminating field of a config value, when using a FieldCoproductHint.

    A failure reason given when an unknown value was found in the discriminating field of a config value, when using a FieldCoproductHint.


    the value found in the discriminating field of a config value
