
object Async
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Type members


class InferAsyncArg[F[_]](using am: CpsMonad[F])

Value members

Concrete methods

def adoptFlags(f: Expr[_])(using Quotes): AsyncMacroFlags
inline def async[F[_]](using am: CpsMonad[F]): InferAsyncArg[F]
def nestTransform[F[_], T, S](f: Expr[S], cpsCtx: TransformationContext[F, T], marker: TransformationContextMarker)(`evidence$7`: Type[F], `evidence$8`: Type[T], `evidence$9`: Type[S], Quotes): CpsExpr[F, S]
def rootTransform[F[_], T](f: Expr[T], dm: Expr[CpsMonad[F]], flags: AsyncMacroFlags, exprMarker: TransformationContextMarker, nesting: Int, parent: Option[TransformationContext[_[_], _]])(`evidence$5`: Type[F], `evidence$6`: Type[T], Quotes): CpsExpr[F, T]
inline def transform[F[_], T](inline expr: T)(using m: CpsMonad[F]): F[T]
def transformImpl[F[_], T](f: Expr[T])(`evidence$1`: Type[F], `evidence$2`: Type[T], Quotes): Expr[F[T]]

transform expression and get monad from context.

transform expression and get monad from context.

def transformMonad[F[_], T](f: Expr[T], dm: Expr[CpsMonad[F]])(`evidence$3`: Type[F], `evidence$4`: Type[T], Quotes): Expr[F[T]]

transform expression within given monad. Use this function is you need to force async-transform from other macros

transform expression within given monad. Use this function is you need to force async-transform from other macros